(HC: "Flying Solo"), On 30 July, a drunken Cameron noticed that Ric had mistakenly ordered for 40 millimoles of potassium in Rob Dennehey's drip. Charlotte Dunn However, they were forced to intervene as Ric prepared to perform a bowel resection on a patient who did not need one. (HC: "Babysitters and Bystanders"), On 17 September, Cameron offered Chloe the keys to Bernie's cottage, and she gladly accepted. People involved in road accidents or incidents, https://holby.fandom.com/wiki/Cameron_Dunn?oldid=114569, — Zav warns Cameron that he will expose him. (HC: "When Worlds Collide"). In theatre, Zav became convinced that Cameron had spiked his coffee and dragged him onto the ward, but Cameron maintained that he had done nothing. Holby City’s murdering medic Cameron Dunn has finally been arrested for his crimes. (HC: Episode 1036), Cameron decides to tamper with Solomon's drug flow. (HC: "The Burden of Proof"), On 22 January, Nicky agreed to produce a register of all the teaching days that were attended by junior doctors in the previous year for Cameron and spent most of her day calling each doctor individually. Holby City spoilers follow.. Next week on Holby City, Cameron takes sinister action when Ange and Chloe get closer to the truth, while Henrik takes matters into his own hands and Sahira begins to spiral.. (HC: "The Heart Is a Small Thing"), In December, Cameron received final approval from his hospital deanery to complete a placement in Jamaica. Holby City star Nic Jackman has spoken out following Cameron Dunn's exit tonight (March 23) – and revealed if we'll see him again. (HC: "Gods and Monsters") The following week, Cameron was forced to rebuke Ric when he began discussing a palliative care package with a patient that was expected to make a full recovery, but Ric once again claimed that it was a deliberate training exercise. However, when Evan exposed that Cameron knew, Chloe berated Cameron for not telling her. Having irritated Jac by being awarded the position through nepotism and complaining to his godmother and Royal College of Surgeons board member Verity Knotts, Cameron tried to impress her by treating a woman named Mel single-handedly, but he unintentionally exacerbated her condition by giving her morphine. After hearing that Nicky had turned down an interview at a wealthy hospital in Dubai, Cameron volunteered; Drew immediately turned him down and warned Nicky to "watch [her] back" around Cameron. As Dominic Copeland — Ange's biological son — had been severely injured in a car crash, Cameron instead approached Sahira Shah, Darwin's new clinical lead, who offered to speak to HR about a transfer if she was impressed by his skills. HOLBY City fans were left pondering over what's in store for Nicky after her heart-breaking exit after last night's instalment. And the fact that people really love to hate him. He's Dunn it again. Holby City's Beka is played by Bob Barrett's real-life daughter so they can hug Covering his tracks, Cameron ensured the blame fell on Skylar as he denied any responsibility in the death, despite Skylar insisting it was his idea. Nic Jackman as Dr Cameron Dunn in the BBC's drama Holby City. (HC: "Running"), On 5 February 2019, Zav confronted Cameron about him routinely leaving Nicky with his bar bills and suggested handing her the role of Junior Doctor Lead as atonement. He later reprised his role as Cameron from January 2019 to March 2021. (HC: "Always Forever") However, according to Cameron, Morven later had an affair with a local bartender and later dumped him, leaving him uncertain about his future. It was certainly a long time coming – but it was a fitting ending for a great character. (HC: "Honeymoon") The following week, after it was learned that Bernie was missing in action following an explosion in Mogadishu, a sobbing Cameron confided in Serena about his distrust of Alex Dawson — Bernie's fiancée — who was pushing to organise her funeral. (HC: Episode 1013) After Nicky admitted that she pawned it to pay off a man named Steve who had been extorting her, Cameron confronted Steve, hoping to record him incriminating himself. Neighbours spoilers: Will Karl Kennedy get ARRESTED. When Chloe assertted that he was underqualified to lead the operation, Cameron explained the procedure in detail, but Chloe pointed out that only an experienced surgeon, like Ange, would know about the described method. Although Morven was initially put off by his lax attitude towards wasting resources and his unenthusiastic view on her trying to reconnect a homele… (HC: "In the Right Place") The following week, Cameron became concerned when Evan suggested that he and Chloe should move out of the shared flat, and he felt that Evan was influencing her relationship with Ange and Dominic. Holby City spoilers reveal Nicky makes a huge decision about her baby. Thankful for his help, Serena offered to ask cardiothoracic consultant Jac Naylor to give him a place on Darwin as an F2. 1990/1991 (age 29–30) Ric took offence and berated Cameron for being an "average" doctor and a "liability". (HC: "Indefensible") Cameron's decision to become a doctor came from his desire to get Bernie's attention and approval. (HC: "Things My Mother Told Me") However, as Cameron matured, he began to feel as though his parents viewed him as a burden and favoured his sister Charlotte. When Alex was admitted to AAU following a road accident, tried of Cameron's animosity towards her, Serena forced him to work together with her. (HC: "Running") The next day, after Evan Crowhurst — the ex-boyfriend of registrar Chloe Godard — found out about his and Chloe's night-out the night prior, he removed all of the data from Cameron's SSI audit and disposed of his smart card as an act of revenge. Due to Cameron and Skylar's lack of agreement, Max decided to launch an investigation and warned the pair that she expected at least one of them to be leaving the hospital afterwards. (HC: "Aces High"), In January 2017, discontent with working under his mother's shadow, Cameron decided to transfer to London without informing Bernie so she could focus on taking care of Serena in the wake of her daughter's death. Their panic comes after the cyclist … Who knows? With the entire hospital seemingly now suspicious of him, the drama culminated in Cameron barricading himself and Nicky – who we now know is carrying his unborn child – into Max’s office where he proceeded to tell her EVERYTHING about his past crimes. Appearance information Later that day, while they celebrated his departure, Cameron made a pass at Morven; she turned him down. (HC: "Babysitters and Bystanders"). However, Bernie soon heard the news from Morven, and the two shared a hug as Cameron was leaving the hospital. In the staff room, Cameron offered Chloe a ticket to a Janelle Monáe concert and a meal at an Ethiopian restaurant, but she declined. After Cameron failed to find a date and had been issued with a formal warning, Zav told him that he needed to accept responsibility for his actions and warned him that women can "smell a player a mile off". In a passing remark, Evan told Cameron that he felt the way people were treating him as a "mummy's boy" was unfair. Zav accused Cameron of being a "fraud", but Cameron suggested that he was just jealous. After Cameron instructed the officers to check Chloe's phone for Evan's harassing messages and told them that Evan's persistence had exacerbated Chloe's panic attacks, the officers ordered Evan to stop contacting Chloe on pain of prosecution. Back on AAU, Cameron approached Ric and suggested that he was showing signs of dementia, but Ric took offence and berated Cameron for being an "average" doctor and a "liability". However, after the patient died in surgery, Cameron confronted Evan about the phone calls and texts; Evan revealed that he knew about Cameron's lunge at Chloe and explained that, as she was previously in a very abusive relationship, she needed him. It’s just really rich, rewarding stuff and good to play as an actor. Outside the disused COVID ICU unit, Cameron gave Ange one "final chance" to reconsider going to Max, but Ange was stunned by his arrogance and ordered him to get out of her way. (HC: "Things My Mother Told Me"), On 30 August 2016, while volunteering at the Hope Street Drop-In Centre, Cameron met fellow volunteer Morven who was also an F2 training at Holby City Hospital. Fans tuning into Holby City on Tuesday evening have predicted that Cameron Dunn will commit murder again. (HC: "Kiss Kiss"), The following week, Kian left Cameron to treat a man named Mason who had an atrial septal defect. Back on AAU, Cameron approached Ric, who was present during Darla's labour, and suggested that he was showing signs of dementia. When David was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis and rushed into theatre, Cameron insisted on inserting a graft immediately and without supervision. Last appearance In last week’s Holby City we saw Cameron (Nic Jackman) resorting to ever more desperate action as people’s suspicions about him started to grow. (HC: Episode 1015), In March, Jason told Zav that Cameron had given him a custom-made pen on the day of the lift incident, and he later admitted to Zav that he was the one who performed the thoracostomy. Before leaving, Chloe branded Cameron a "fraud" and asserted that he would slip up eventually on account of his incompetence. (HC: "Aces High"), On 9 May, Bernie brought Cameron back to Holby to observe the treatment of a carotid pseudoaneurysm, but Cameron was more interested in seeing Morven again. Biographical information Cameron denied her accusation of foul play and suggested that she was only trying to "back up [her] crazy daughter", but Ange informed him that she would be asking Max to open a full investigation. Despite Jac's claims that Cameron won the role due to nepotism, Nicky insisted on treating him fairly. Later that day, Cameron apologised and suggested celebrating her research project getting green-lighted, but Evan asserted that her colleagues would just gossip about her and convinced Chloe to spend the night alone with him. (HC: "Kiss Kiss") On 30 July, after Bernie had been declared missing in action following an explosion in Mogadishu, a grief-stricken Cameron aggressively insisted on spending his day with Chloe, but she refused his advances. Ange stood by her judgement and posited that he did not have the right "temperament" to be a surgeon, but she offered to hold off on submitting the assessment to give him an opportunity to show improvement over the following few weeks. (HC: "Hallelujah") On 10 January 2017, as he was preparing to leave Holby for London, Jasmine Burrows suggested to him that Morven potentially had feelings for him. Episode 105123 March 2021 (HC: "China Crisis"), By the following week, Cameron had secured the position of Junior Doctor Lead. When Cameron returned to the flat, he found that Evan had left his photo of Bernie on his bed to mock him. And I’ve really clung on to that. Later, despite Ric threatening his career, Cameron told Ric that he had had enough of covering up his mistakes and "dancing around [his] ego", and declared that Ric was on his own. (HC: "Ask No Questions"), On 4 June, Evan told Chloe that Cameron was withholding the fact that the entire hospital knew about her relation to Dominic Copeland from her, and she berated Cameron for not telling her. Consequently, both he and Nicky were banned from operating on patients for two weeks. He treated a woman named Jenny who had fallen off her horse and suspected that she had suffered neurological damage which was affecting her sight, but Bernie believed that it was related to a recent stroke. Emmerdale spoilers: Will Cain Dingle CLASH with Faith again? Images (36). (HC: "Parasite"), On 13 December, Cameron was unimpressed when Morven tried to teach him and the other F1s through roleplay and told her that she was "off [her] rocker"; she snapped at him and called him "incompetent". Cameron felt as though Zav wrote a glowing report purely to get him off his shoulders and back on Darwin, but Zav stood by his assessment of him. (HC: "Don't Leave Me") The following week, Cameron learned that Bernie and Alex were engaged, leading him to believe that Bernie did not trust him. (HC: "Everything Old Is New Again") In March 2019, Serena informed Cameron that he lost a Junior Doctor Lead role, but she told him that she believed in him and urged him to start proving her right. (HC: "Mothers and Their Daughters"), On 27 January 2020, after chasing Owen Gayle — the boyfriend of a patient who was stabbed — into a lift, Cameron, Owen and porter Jason Haynes were left trapped when it broke down. (HC: "Honeymoon") Despite the chances of her survival being bleak and her body armour being identified in the rubble, Cameron refused to believe that his mother was dead and immediately dismissed a discussion about a funeral for Bernie with her fiancée Alex Dawson. Cameron began attending medical school, but he later dropped out in what his mother Bernie saw as an "ignominious" manner. HOLBY City fans are in for a treat next week as Sahira breaks down after her transplant bombshell and Cameron is one stop closer to being found out. (HC: "Kintsugi") On New Year's Eve, Cameron admitted to his actions to a corpse but decided to defer judgement to "the universe". When Chloe ran to the mortuary after learning that Cameron had been there only to find that he was only there to look for an escape route, Cameron barricaded himself and Nicky in Max's office. (HC: Episode 1038) Despite Chloe's insistence that Cameron sabotaged her proposal, Nicky believed Cameron's dismissal of her allegation, prompting Chloe to move out of the flat permanently. Plot. Here are the seven biggest moments to watch out for: 1. After months of scheming, manipulation and cold-blooded murder, the net finally closed in on Dr Cameron Dunn in Tuesday night’s episode of Holby City, as he got his much-needed comeuppance. Cameron reluctantly admitted that Skylar's decision to keep Harvey on AAU was correct and instructed her to administer doxycycline, but Cameron failed to read Harvey's notes, so Harvey suffered a fatal allergic reaction. However, Ange criticised his cowardice and questioned whether or not he was cut out to be a doctor. (HC: "Always Forever") However, according to Cameron, Morven later cheated on him with a local bartender and broke up with him. As … Read more on metro.co.uk. She became additionally exasperated when Cameron's godmother Verity Knotts, a board member of the Royal College of Surgeons, complained to her about her treatment of him. (HC: "Never Say Never"), On 26 March, Nicky realised that Cameron fancied Chloe and encouraged him to ask her out. (HC: "Circle of Life"), On 27 March 2019, Evan overheard Cameron and Nicky discussing the former's night-out with Chloe. Although Chloe agreed to the procedure and praised his intuition, Cameron asserted that Nicky was responsible for the idea. Unimpressed with the deadly mistake, Max has now started an investigation to find out who is responsible. When Cameron accepted a transfer to AAU, Kian told Cameron that he could have voiced his concerns to him, but Cameron asserted that he did not feel as though he could. Later that day, after Cameron managed to convince a patient named Roger Keelan to undergo surgery, Chloe was impressed by his work, but she was immediately turned off when Cameron made a pass at her. At night, Cameron and Nicky returned to their apartment to find Evan talking to Chloe. Later that day, Cameron and Serena came to an understanding, and the two decided to take compassionate leave. However, when Chloe returned later than anticipated, Solomon suffered a heart attack and died. Jason wanted to tell his wife Greta about his success, but Cameron urged him not to and fallaciously claimed that both of them would be prosecuted if the truth came out. The BBC medical drama has been pushed back slightly to 8.20pm, allowing a double-bill of EastEnders to air beforehand. That night, on the hospital roof, Cameron revealed his motive for returning to Morven, and the two shared a kiss. After Cameron lost his confidence in theatre, Serena assured him that everyone had moments of self-doubt and encouraged him to keep moving forward. (HC: "Always Forever"), In July 2019, Cameron was informed that Bernie was missing in action following an explosion at an airport hospital in Mogadishu. Skylar insisted that Cameron told her to administer the drug and promised to write it up later, but Cameron disagreed with her version of events. I’ve been reading scripts for other things recently and the character’s are very different to Cameron, so it’s been really nice to be looking at someone who’s different from who he is. Chloe gets closer to the truth When confronted, Cameron asserted that his peers had high expectations of him, and he needed to prove himself, but Nicky urged him to change his behaviour. The next day, Cameron learned that Bernie and Alex were engaged; feeling as though his mother did not trust him, Cameron drowned his sorrows with alcohol and returned to AAU. Skylar made it through surgery, and she thanked Cameron for saving her life. (HC: "Don't Leave Me") On 29 July, after attending a memorial service for Bernie, Cameron got drunk and slept with Nicky. (HC: "Force Majeure") On 26 March, Zav taunted Cameron after several women rejected his offer of attending a concert. However, later that day, the two came to an understanding; Cameron decided to take compassionate leave and spend some time at Bernie's rural cottage. Cameron claimed that he had been forced to "run and hide like a rat" and denied deliberately killing his patients, but Nicky explained that she knew he had been involved in a fight with Ange and urged him to be honest for his own sake. However, after working well in theatre together and some personal reflection, Morven felt that she and Cameron had a future together; she resigned later that day and accompanied Cameron to Jamaica. At the end of the day, Cameron won the competition, but, after Xavier "Zav" Duval confronted him about forcing Nicky to pay for his drinks, he gave the plane tickets to Nicky as recompense. Wanting Cameron to do well and unlock his true potential, Bernie put pressure on him to overcome his "demons". While competing with fellow F2 Nicky McKendrick to diagnose Laurie Stocks, Tom Campbell-Gore gave Cameron a clue about Laurie's condition and told him that he used to play the trumpet, leading Cameron to correctly diagnose him with a pharyngeal pouch. Upon realising that he was lying, Chloe reprimanded him for making a scapegoat of Nicky. However, later that day, Cameron was visited by an army officer and informed that there was an explosion at the airport hospital Bernie was working at in Mogadishu, and she was missing in action. In the evening, Morven told him that she had also contacted the deanery about completing a foreign placement, and the two left for Jamaica together. This article is missing important information. (HC: "Babysitters and Bystanders"). In ICU, Evan continued to proclaim his innocence, but Cameron did not believe him. (HC: "Things My Mother Told Me") On 27 August, Ric asked Cameron to treat a woman named Kristy who he believed to be a member of the hospital trust. On 4 August 2016, after attending an orthopod's party, a drunken Keeley crashed her car into another and injured the driver who was a heavily pregnant woman named Sally; Cameron immediately rushed to Sally's aid and resuscitated her. After hearing that Chloe was carrying Evan's child, Cameron offered to help provide for her and the baby; Chloe was unsettled by his proposition and demanded that he leave her alone. Occipital cortex and praised his diagnostic skills Cameron Dunn has finally been arrested for his crimes 's in... In Evan 's care in ICU, Evan was ordered to never contact Chloe again he! 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