My settlement date is in less than a week. I recommend you attempt to negotiate with the landlord and come to an agreement before the NCAT deadline. Will our rental history be tarnished if we choose to dispute rather than lose our entire bond + potentially $1000 in compensation? MY final inspection is soon and they say if everything is not upto their expectations they’ll either take money from my bond or take me to court. The agency and owner is now expecting me to pay for things I consider wear and tear. also when we moved in we had 2 cracked pains of glass on the entrance door and one day the wind picked up and blew the door shut breaking those 2 pains we replaced all pains with wood to save it happening again..are we up for the cost? We agree that it would be considered accidental damage. Are we not in our right to leave the unit as we found it? I completed my final inspection of the apartment and noticed indents on the wall that they have attempted to cover-up with a bad plastering/paint job, including indents on the floor. Can I seek your opinion on my situation? We have just ended our lease after 2 years in our apartment. All the issues were very trivial and quite frankly un-true. I guess the clear question revolves around an interpretation of whether dog urine staining on carpet is fair wear and tear?. If you are unhappy, then you can always take the Landlord to the Tribunal or NCAT, if you are in NSW. I tile has 1 inch big burned spot and the other tiles have less than .5 cm burned spots. Where exactly is the water damage? I did not go over the property condition as closely as I now know I should have. Was this noted on your ingoing report? Hi, thanks for going through all these questions. Bec Reid. There is nothing else I could have done in this instance and it would be impossible to get a colour to completely match the carpet. The toilet has been routinely cleaned but naturally some discolouration has occurred. I had a potplant on the carpet and it ruined that area of carpet. If you get a handyman to do this it may be cheaper than a painter and they would also be able to match the colour of the other walls in the room. We would suggest you double-check the Ingoing Inspection Report and any photos that the Property Manager may have taken and see if the scuff marks were there before you moved in. Hello – thanks for your comment. You still have to pass the next inspection. 6 light bulbs including difficult to reach downlights and lights that were not even listed as blown in the outgoing condition report). Hi Vanessa, i found a cracked window in the garage while cleaning the property for end of lease. Hi Jamian, thanks for your comment. Would appreciate your advice. We just bought the house.. previous owners said 2 years but unsure if they have documentation? However, this should be a fair and reasonable and not some inflated amount. Should I dispute at tribunal ? The property is always assessed based on the condition of the property at the start of the tenancy and the end minus fair wear and tear. First question, how old is the carpet? We recognise that not all Real Estate Agencies have the same standards when it comes to final inspections. Also two other plants had died whilst we lived there too. I initially put felt tips on the bottom of the chair legs however they come off then leave sticky marks I have to clean off the floor (no damage from these). What part of this is ‘wear and tear’ or negligence? We communicated that 11th Oct Friday will be our last day, and we can handover key anytime on or after Thursday 10th Oct. My landlord is saying I should pay for the replacement of the whole of the fire surround. where do i stand? Sorry for the delay in responding. Cleaning – $517 – We have used the agent cleaner and they were not happy with the work and asked us for him to come back and clean again. Did you take the matter to tribunal? We thought that was unreasonable considering it had by then been two weeks since occupancy. You say they continue to use it in the state it is in – what is it’s current state? Hi Paul – thanks for your comment. I moved in being careful and all was good except I dropped something on the floor in the kitchen and it dented the floor. Real estate wants it to come out of the bond – are we liable. This time closely monitor their management over the first 12 months at least. Some people’s perception of ‘fair’ can differ also. Was it a brand new splash-back? A long one. I have an IT degree and know that is plain rediculous. It is a 4 yr old town house but I’ve been here a bit over 1/2 yrs. What do you think?? Vanessa. My wife and I have lived in our rental property for close to 12 months. Vanessa. From the description you have shared, it is our opinion that this example is Accidental Damage as the tub is so new. We hope this helps, Bec, Hi, If you have a Landlord who likes everything looking good, he may agree. We hope this helps, Bec Reid. What sort of quote have they received for a resolution for repair? They should have recognised that the dog caused the damage and insisted the tenant rectify it. A tenant has the responsibility to report any issue which could cause a landlord extra expense if not repaired. Are these items recorded on your ingoing inspection report? We recently vacated a property after residing there for 3 1/2 years (it was brand new when we moved in). The fittings used were a bit cheap (although the unit was lovely). The medicine cabinet mirror came off it’s hinges when I was using it. Have you had pets in the property? Hi, we moved into a brand new apartment in July last year. Hi, Do you recall how it was caused? Good afternoon Bec – Last week Monday I handed back the keys for a rental property I was in for 4 years. The scratches are not intentional or deep. There was chip paint and scuff marks but because I was in the house 11 months the real estate said its not fair wear and tear. Bec Reid, Hi. Thanks, Natasha, Hi Natasha, thanks for your question and comments. Hi Carol, thanks for your question. We received a receipt of carpet cleaning to be removed from our bond which was not a contractual condition, nor mentioned to us prior to occurring. Please understand that we have not inspected the premises and thus can’t give you a definitive answer. I accidentally dropped the candle and I burned 3 tiles. Thanks Tracey. Now the agent is asking us to pay $100 for the fan (saying the owner has only agreed to pay 180 of the total cost of replacing it). Hope this helps – Vanessa. We hope this helps. Will this effect her claim? 4. Surely we can pay a fee to have the debts mended and not pay for an unnecessary replacement. Our opinion is that you should argue that it is not your problem and if there is damage to your furniture, you will claim compensation. My wife and I are in our late 50’s and responsible tenants. We hired the cleaner she suggested, and the cleaner says she has no photos of before and after her cleaning job. We have already paid the cleaner beforehand $350! Is this considered wear and tear, otherwise, how can I argue to reduce the payment? Vanessa. If this doesn’t get a response, seek advice from the Dept of Fair Trading or lodge a complaint on Fair Trading’s free tenancy complaint service – Fair Trading’s free tenancy complaint service on All the best with your situation, Bec Reid, I am moving out of my rental my daughter and I have lived here for 6 years. Would they come to the party to have it replaced? also the lawns have patches in them and the real estate said it needs to be re instated to the original condition it was given to us? If the stains were definitely not there, this might actually be considered accidental damage from the item you are referring to – it is not intentional, it just might have occurred by accident. 1) There are two hairline cracks in the bath tub. With relation to the medicine cabinet, our opinion would be that it is considered as fair wear and tear. This is copied directly from NSW Fair Trading’s website “You are not responsible for fair wear and tear to the premises. The landlord sold the house vacant possession. Thanks. AAF Family Planning Enhanced v3.2 beta Redux This is the Update to the extremely Popular Family Planning Enhanced made by so many people (see below) Most of the Mod is the same as before but with the following changes (these dont require Wasteland … I left my rental in far better state than when I received it. However, if your agency agreement had a special condition specifying that you would be notified of all final inspections, then you would be covered. Will this give us a bit more leniency on the faults mentioned previously? I very much appreciate the advice. Obviously my face didn’t wear so well lol. My landlord is claiming the full cost to repaint one wall that has a mark on it (accidental damage) the paint is 4 years old and the mark covers less than 20% of the wall. What I’m asking is did the Vendor/Landlord do a band-aid job of fixing the items you mention in the hope you wouldn’t see them? The tenant at my suggestion has called in a carpet person to see if they could repair the carpet. Have the agents given you an indication of what they want you to do to fix it? Again thank you and I look forward to any advice you may have , Hi Michelle, thanks for your comments and question. Things to be note, that that end of lease completion was not done jointly and property was lease out without giving me fair change to fix the issue. Also how has it been ruined? Do you feel frustrated when you try to install and configure Emacs in WSL? Hey I’ve been in my first rental for about 8 months now, and I’m wondering if when stuff is put I one place and leaves the in print etc is that classed as wear and tear ?? do you wipe up splashed water rather than leaving it and letting it dry by itself? Were photos taken before the tenant moved in? These changes are related to naval history in order that the reader can match uniform development with changes in the Navy itself. Can a landlord ask tenants to pay more than what their insurance excess is? Me and my girlfriend have been living in a new apartment recently and just noticed some indents in the floorboards from the dining chairs. You may need to patch the carpet where the rabbit urine is also because that is considered damage in our opinion. i believe this, i know these things don’t come cheap, but i was more wondering whether something like this is likely to be considered wear and tear or accidental? ONe day iwas vacuuming and the vacuum caught a piece of rug and pulled like a 12 foot piece of rug out in a second. * Dispute any claim against the bond and present their case to the CTTT and hope that a fair decision is made. When we were back in Australia doing some work on the house, we noticed that the tenants’ dog had damaged a large sliding door and an internal door (there are scratches all along the bottom). We understand this is accidental damage, but we just got told time and time again to go to Bunnings and Reece’s to find a repalcement. I have repeatedly asked the agent if he is certified to do the work and they refuse to answer, instead asking me [quote] “why do you want to know”. You really need to see if the fair wear & tear was marked on the previous report. If it is malicious damage, yes the tenant would be responsible to pay for a new door. Thanks, Sue. I have submitted the form myself without her signature. I recently moved out of a brand new apartment in which I lived for 12 months. We have been living in a brand new townhouse for over 12 months now and just vacated last week. Are you in NSW? Same thing with glass shower doors and screens, and also glass pool fences exploding without any reason at all. When they told me, I was under pressure as only had a few days until the new tenant moves in. If so, find out the expected life from the specification. This page lists English translations of notable Latin phrases, such as veni vidi vici and et cetera. We’ve put in a maintenance request but are waiting to hear back. Do you know what I can do? we feel she is being completely unreasonable about it. The people who are on the lease are responsible for the condition of the property when it is handed back at the end of the term. I don’t see how this is my fault or problem . Have you asked the tenant how the it occurred and mentioned that in the 5 years the previous tenant was there was no issue with the couch? Do you think she could have us cover the cost of the carpet repairs? Which is the Built-in WiFi smart control. Is the landlord claiming $360 for cleaning the carpet or for replacing that section of the carpet? 1. In the kitchen, there was a grout missing, what is written in the check in from 2014. We think this is excessive for such a small chip (the cooktop is still in working order). 2. Thanks for sharing the information, very useful. Our tenants are calling this ‘wear and tear’ but we feel that they had a responsibility to return the property in a similar condition to that in which it was rented out. It could be very small, even tiny, but it will never be brand new again – it is impossible. Please let me know. If a cooling coil is installed above the air handler then the same system may be in use for both air conditioning and heating. Vanessa. On vacating, property had some scuff marks on the beige lounge /dining room wall which is no problem, but as tenant preferred to clean the property themselves, they used Jif in the scuff marks and have left some marks on the wall which is highly visible when entering that area of the property in daylight hours. Do I pay to fix the oven door? What proportion should she be paying considering the age of the kitchen? All the best with it, Bec. Vanessa. Hi Dale, You may be able to get some compensation because of the damage caused by the dogs but it sounds like your tenant is being difficult. If a scourer was used to clean a bathtub and it has damaged it, then that would be considered accidental damage. I am living in a rented apartment and found some scratches on the glass cooktop after using it for a while. The agent has to provide you with proof that you bent them. Will i have to pay for the broken light?? I was told to email pictures of the cracks which I did but we never actually got any response until our inspection in September that year. According to the, That is, "Don't upset my calculations!" We did clean the house with the help of our family. I used some essential oils in the bath and there are now little brown stains in the bath that I have not been able to remove. The last inspection was done 2 years ago. I hope you can help as I don’t know where else to get help. Specifically the hard water stains on shower door an the whole lawn thing since we were in a drought ann would be fined if over watering thus dead lawn! The agent is being very problematic, like for cleaning of bathroom he is checking every single tile and raised issue for grout in the bathroom. If it has been damaged somehow, and there is a stain or a rip in the carpet, then it would be considered accidental damage. I am talking write your name in the dust and grime in multiple locations and an oven and rings with build up you could carve through. Don’t be slow with organising people to inspect and do this for you. It is now 8th May and she has advised us she will only send us the report after a re-inspection and the keys have been handed back. How did the dents appear in the wall? How big is the cupboard? My daughter has just pulled a picture off the wall that was applied with blutack and the paint has come off down to the raw plaster. Have you tried to clean the wall again with sugar soap? Are we liable for the whole amount? Perhaps someone from their office visited and it was knocked? We hope everyone who reads this finds it useful as a guide. We have been told we are very good tenants and they (being the RA) were sad to see us go. Thanks for your question. We generally advise our clients to not pursue cases that are less than $700 as Tribunal hearings are very expensive unless the Landlords Insurer pays the cost. Should we pay the $250, ask for further quotes or go to the tribunal? the name of friendship lasts just so long as it is profitable. fizy milyonlarca şarkı, video klip, onlarca radyo kanalı ve fazlasına ulaşmanı sağlayan dijital müzik platformudur. The kind of particle board and it didn ’ t installed properly you wipe the walls down now with of. Are able to offer cooktop was installed with it…so 9 years ago compensate for the rust removal! 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