This is a short animated retelling of one biblical account of the resurrection. It also marks an act of betrayal. So what does this verse mean? 1. To find out what Christians actually believe about Jesus watch this presentation. How can the Passover meal help to explain a Christian view of who Jesus is? But Jesus is really important to Christians– not just as somebody who said and did amazing things 2000 years ago but as somebody […], Follow these easy instructions to make a palm cross. Or do you just want a fresh approach to your Easter topic? mean to call Jesus “Lord”? Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. Greater love has no one than this: to lay, The opening of John's Gospel (his biography of Jesus) claims that Jesus was with God in the beginning; and indeed. Gethsemane and Jesus' arrest. Others said Jesus was their … This Home Learning Project investigates 9 key Christian Beliefs and Practices. Followers of Christ are meant to be different. Erika Rasmussen January 17, 2021. It is a story that is told in all four of the Gospels; the books of the Bible which tell what happened in Jesus… Some of us are pondering what it looks like to really flourish as a human; to live the good — full — life. For many years, Charles Wesley Mumbere had been living in the States and working in a care home – with not a single person realising he was actually a king! What does the Bible say about the Easter Story? It is a story that is told in all four of the Gospels; the books of the Bible which tell what happened in Jesus’ life. The universe almost certainly exists, and you almost certainly exist, and gods, or God, are a possible explanation for this existence that you should consider. What is it that makes Jesus so compelling for so many people? When the Israelites came out of Egypt and reached the Red Sea, Moses told them to stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD (Exodus 14:13). 1. God will not have to do an elaborate act which we might … Another song a little later in that same song book (Psalm 34) says we should ‘taste and see’ the goodness of God. The Story of Jesus’ arrest, death, burial and resurrection is sometimes referred to as ‘The Easter Story’. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. This plan originally came from exploRE: the life of Jesus. None of these young men would have believed Jesus if he'd said something like, 'Follow me, and I'll use you to bring about God's ultimate rule and reign here on earth.' An animated version of the events of Palm Sunday. The hope of life beyond death? Jesus spent three years meeting and teaching people. Want to try Jesus by trying church? Is it even worth trying to be perfect? But he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that he would … What does the Bible say about the Easter Story? However, after three days, Christians […], Teaching ideas for secondary-age students, Jesus’ death on the cross is central to the Christian faith. And it’s no easy task. The story of Jesus’ arrest, death, burial and resurrection is sometimes referred to as ‘The Easter Story’. It is a story that is told in all four of the Gospels; the books of the Bible which tell what happened in Jesus’ life. When he died he left a devoted group of a few hundred followers. It explains the significance of the resurrection to Christians then and now. Ralph shares his thoughts on how the Passover and the gospel message are intertwined. What if the best thing you can do to improve tomorrow is to try Jesus. Today, 2 billion people worldwide call themselves Christians. If these claims are true and we don’t believe them; not only are we missing out on the best way to live, Jesus says we’re in a bit of trouble. Now to this kind of tempting God does Christ apply this commandment in this place; as if He should say, “When God has afforded unto men an ordinary means for their help and safety, they are not to refuse the same, and to seek for safety from God extraordinarily. In this film, find […]. Is it that if there’s a God who orchestrated this life we live in this, My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Here are some ideas that might prompt you to give Jesus a try. But what makes Jesus […], This is an illustration to help students understand a central Christian belief. In this trick, a crushed coke can is restored to its former shape and made ‘new’ again. It is not about repeating a sinner’s prayer; It is not about walking down an aisle; Is is not about filling out a Decision Card What Coming to Jesus Is . Jesus' trial. During the Last Supper, which happened only hours before his arrest, […]. Reflect on the significance of Jesus as “Lord” for your own life. What does it mean to “Come to Jesus”? What Does This Mean? Is it hope? Note that honoring God cannot be limited to the external performances of rituals or ceremonies. Resurrection and Doubting Thomas. Jesus exists, he lived and claimed to both be God and to show us how to truly live. “Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Click here to down load the medium term lesson plan, You could say that what Christians believe about Jesus Christ is the most important thing in the Christian faith. Abundant life? Use these creative ideas to help the pupils explore the true meaning of the Easter story. One night, she was visited by an angel who gave her a unique task – a part to play in saving the world. Used alongside the ‘Big  Christmas  Quiz’  and the â€˜Why  Christmas?’ film, this lesson looks to explore key events in the nativity story and explain their importance to the person of Jesus. It doesn’t mean perfect, because again that was something only Jesus could do. Seen in this light, Jesus' invitation is much cleverer than you might initially think. What if trying Jesus is the answer? Watch this film to hear the Easter story and to find out how to make an […]. Click here for […], Use these photos and activities for a creative, discussion led RE lesson, Click here to download the Christian Art Photograph and Activity Pack Click here to download the picture of the baptism of Jesus Click here to download the picture of Martha and Mary Click here to download the picture of the woman caught in adultery Click […], Films, lesson plans and collective worship pack for Holy Week and Easter, This series of five films shows John and his scribe as they write down his account of the last days of Jesus’ life on earth. Simply put, Jesus is talking about self-ownership. Rachel explains why she is a follower of Jesus. In the New Testament, the term salvation is especially used to refer to the great deliverance from th… 5) Committed. Ralph comes from a Jewish background and so as he talks the pupils through the Passover meal his own personal experiences come through to bring this meal […], This lesson plan looks at the gospel accounts of Jesus’ resurrection and asks, what do you think happened on Easter morning? What Does It Mean to “Follow Jesus?” Most married people cannot tell you the exact day they fell in love. What do Christians consider so important about Easter? Lesson 2: Catholicism Series on … We strive to hear God’s voice, and when we don’t, we start to try to figure out different ways he might possibly be speaking to us, sometimes by signs or symbols. This film explains […]. What happened when Jesus was on the cross? Why is Christmas so important for Christians? Lots of witnesses saw Jesus die on a cross on Friday – but by the Sunday there were rumours that the tomb was empty and that he had appeared to some of his followers – Mary Magdalene […]. Click here to download a copy of the lesson plan and resources. Jesus foretells his death, saying he will eat no more until the kingdom of God is fulfilled. He is telling : us that we must lose our ownership of ourselves. Hands are the instruments of our work. This is a short animated retelling of Jesus’ anointing at Bethany. What is more important: to give or to receive? To see if what he says about the world is true and if it stands up to the rigours of a vigorous experiment. This is the great and first commandment" (Matthew 22:37–38). Following Jesus is making a very personal, individual decision. Use this quiz as an introduction to topic of Christmas and explore how much the class really know about this Christian festival. 2. Click here to […], This is the first in a series of five lesson plans looking at the Bible, aimed at 11-14 year olds. This lesson originally came from exploRE: the life of Jesus. Fairy tales tell children the, Is it forgiveness and mercy? Children already know that dragons exist. But who was he, and just why is he so special? It asks students what they already know about the Bible, whilst offering a brief overview of what Christians believe about the Bible. For Christians Jesus is all this and more. It means to demand, in prayer, that He give us what He says in His Word we can have. Following Jesus is a life-changing commitment to be taken seriously. Jesus … Some of us are struggling; feeling lost, dissatisfied, all alone in the vastness of the universe. Its familiarity also means it can easily slip into Christian jargon we sling. Here are the four reasons we think you need to try Jesus. This passage says: Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: A Christian does not only know about Christ, but a Christian also knows Christ personally. Explore the life of Joseph - the biblical hero. Is the idea that Jesus came back to life too much to believe? Crucifixion and Burial. Have you ever considered how small you are in the vastness of an infinite universe? This lesson looks in detail at Jesus’ death and the wider significance for Christians today. This lesson plan originally came from exploRE: the life of Jesus. Watch this film to […]. Click here to […]. Today. The resurrection of Jesus Christ means that we are justified before God. In this case, God provided a physical deliverance for Israel from the armies of Egypt. "Knowing" Jesus means having a relationship with Him. But the verse is staggering, and in it we come to understand what it means to receive Jesus Christ into our lives. Click here […], A complete programme of study for 11-14 year olds, This multi-media resource comprises 14 packed lesson plans and has been devised for use with 11 to 14 year olds as part of their Religious (and Moral) Education lessons. The word "try" means "to test." John 3:16 is the Bible’s most famous verse. We should test the experience, the emotional satisfaction, and the reasonableness of faith by trying out belief. The Story of Jesus’ arrest, death, burial and resurrection is sometimes referred to as ‘The Easter Story’. What happened to Jesus' disciples after he was arrested? The essence of what it means to honor God is revealed to us in what Jesus called the first and greatest commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. We’ve all got some picture of who Jesus is in our heads, but maybe in order to try Jesus you might need to re-imagine Jesus — you might have to get a different picture of him in your head and perhaps even your heart, a picture not of your making, but his. We’re all looking for some way to make life satisfying or meaningful… or just better than it was yesterday. Is it better to take more than you should or to share all that you have? Nothing gets in the way of a ‘full life’ like death. But it also has a destination — a line we must cross. Each lesson encourages students to discover the person of Jesus Christ as recorded in the gospels and […], This lesson plan looks at the gospel accounts of Jesus’ resurrection and asks, what do you think happened on Easter morning? After all, he had a whole religion named after him! The story of Jesus’ arrest, death, burial and resurrection is sometimes referred to as ‘The Easter Story’. I don’t recall hearing a lot of sermons down through the years on it. It also means that we have fellowship with God and with one another. Here the word means “test”. After Jesus was crucified, his body was placed in a cave and a large rock was rolled in front of the entrance. A concise definition can be summed up in one word: deliverance. “One of you will betray me,” Jesus says. Jesus is the truth. All of that must die. 2. One of Jesus’ disciples, Thomas, has gone down in history as the one who doubted the reports of Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus saw the potential in them to become world changers. What does the Bible say about the Easter Story? What would it look like to try Jesus? The trial - What the Bible says about Jesus' trial, Tags: Jesus, lesson plan, Easter, trial, Good Friday, While the risk of coronavirus spreading has caused schools to close, RE:quest has produced some resources to aid learning at home. The first thing to recognise is that this verse sums up Jesus’ teaching on the fulfilling of the law. Why do people choose to follow Jesus in the 21st century? Easter is at the very heart of […], Jesus had died and the disciples had gone back to fishing but on this night they couldn’t catch a thing. The Messiah was more than the descendant of David; he was David’s Lord. Some questions for […]. Jesus’ expectations of his disciples are of a whole life fulfilling of the law – not just squeaking through by not doing certain things, we are … Jesus is summarising his teaching on the law. What does the Bible say about the Easter story? What happens when Jesus visits a very greedy tax collector? What does the Bible say about the Easter Story? Once upon a time I lived in Townsville, North Queensland. In the American church we largely ignore this teaching. It means doing the things Jesus did. The promise of immortality? Have you ever wondered what all the fuss is about? This is the key question in the Christian faith. Here are the four reasons we think you need to try Jesus. The discovery of real life? This lesson originally came from exploRE: the life of Jesus. As Jesus told his disciples, “Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. The first sheet is a simple ordering activity and the second encourages the children to reflect more deeply about the significance […]. What is sin? Find out a Christian view about sin, the impact it has on us […]. We should try God. What if the best way to ‘research’ or ‘try’ his claims is to give believing what he says about how to live a go? We die. And what if Jesus isn’t just a product you take for a test drive, or a concept, but a person you have a relationship with (weird, we know)? Let's take a deeper look at the meaning and promise of Luke 23:43. If you’re in Brisbane head to Creek Road South Bank. It means agreeing with what the Bible says about Jesus. It explains the significance of the resurrection to Christians then and now. John Piper explains in his 2009 sermon, titled, “God So Loved the World, Part 1.” It is a story that is told in all four of the Gospels; the books of the Bible which tell what happened in Jesus’ life. Take a look: What Coming to Jesus is Not. The story of Jesus’ arrest, death, burial and resurrection is sometimes referred to as ‘The Easter Story’. This is a short animated retelling of the crucifixion. Death exists. What does it really mean when we chat in our church circles about “being the hands and feet of Jesus”? What does it mean for Christians to try and love them—and him? There’s a seemingly innate desire in us to ponder our existence — and our mortality — and to find meaning in it — a ‘religious impulse’ seems hardwired in our hearts and minds. It is a story that is told in all four of the Gospels; the books of the Bible which tell what happened in Jesus’ life. How did he change from […]. Use these sheets to explore the events of Holy Week, leading up to Easter. It also invites students to consider the importance […]. In this lesson, students ask the important question, can the Bible be trusted? Matthew 5.17 onwards sets out the new relationship of Jesus’ disciples to the law. 4. Jesus unites many threads in our experience of humanity; and also in what the Bible says about God and us. Well the answer to your problems may just have arrived. What does this mean? Question: "What does it mean to trust in Jesus?" Click here to download the activity sheet, Click here to download the Medium Term Plan-Christmas in the Bible, The web site uses cookies to enhance your user experience. That was until someone on the beach suggested that they tried the other side of the boat. This is a short animated retelling of the events of Palm Sunday. This is your first post. Nacah means “to put to the test, try, or tempt.” It is used in Deuteronomy 6:16, where God commands Israel to not test Him: “Do not put the Lord your God to the test as you did at Massah.” This second, unacceptable kind of testing is when doubt leads … And why does : doing each produce the opposite effect from what we expect? It means to pursue Jesus’ path even at the expense of my desires. The film explains […]. To be confronted with who he really is… to grapple with mystery and paradox… to be confounded by the beauty of his story… but also to see how this might shape the way you live if you try Jesus today. This lesson plan is the third in a series of five lessons exploring the Bible. From the triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, the films outline the key events of Holy Week and Easter and offer insight into the […]. What do Christians believe happened when Jesus died? My wife and I were thinking about using our money, Perhaps it's the sense that there is overwhelming evidence for the truths at the centre of Christianity — and not, For many people the decision to follow Jesus is that seeing life the way he teaches people to see life, Have you ever considered how small you are in the vastness of an infinite universe? To know Christ personally means to get to know Him as you would a friend. How short your life is, There's a famous scene in the story The Lion, The Witch, And the Wardrobe where the kids ask if Aslan, Have you ever noticed that most 'epic' stories — from the ancient, to more recent super hero franchises — follow, Philosophers love pondering the question of the 'flourishing' human life; what it means to be 'truly human' and to live. There’s a famous song from the Bible (Psalm 23) which pictures God as the source of satisfaction — it says ‘the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want’ and then poetically describes the ways God meets our longings. What happened on the first Easter Sunday? It is a choice every human is offered and must choose through faith. The film here […], Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week – a celebration of the final week of Jesus’ life on earth. Jesus' trial. The gospels say that Jesus didn’t stay dead. Peter denies Jesus. It’s easy to think of Jesus as somebody who lives in history books. Jesus is the one those Psalms point to. People have been calling Jesus the king of the universe (the ‘Christ’) and the son of God for almost 2,000 years now. The film here […]. What is salvation? In this film Rev. Here are six ways you could try Jesus today. Jesus taught that we should pray this way in Luke 18:1-8. And what if that relationship provides a new way of understanding what life is, and who you are? Who is Jesus? The gospels quote a Roman soldier who watched Jesus die as saying ‘Surely this man was the Son of God.’ This […]. Mary was a girl in her teens, engaged to be married to a man she loved called Joseph. Our attitude toward the truth determines the outcome of our lives. Walking in the light means that when we believethat Jesus’ blood was shed on the cross for our sins, we have holiness before God. This shows that the Lord here is sovereign and, therefore, superior to David — the Messiah — Jesus Christ. Following Jesus is not about religion, since different denominations or religions tell us there are dozens of different ways to follow Him. And that’s what I think heaven will be like. What was her part in the Christmas story? He calls himself ‘the good shepherd’, and he is where we ‘taste and see’ the goodness of God (1 Peter 2:3). What does all of that mean? Jesus responded to the one "truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in paradise." Click here […], Explore what happened on Good Friday and what it means to Christians, What is so good about Good Friday? Brothers, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried and his tomb is here to this day. What does the Bible say about the Easter Story? Easter is the most important of all the Christian festivals. Have you ever wondered how to teach about the Christian festival of Easter to primary children? What does : Jesus mean when He says, "Lose your life?" The film explains […]. Teaching Resources; Video; The story of Jesus’ arrest, death, burial and resurrection is sometimes referred to as ‘The Easter Story’. I think it’s real simple. To honor God means to worship Him in all our attitudes, affections, and actions. Is anyone perfect? This is a short animated retelling of the Last Supper and Jesus’ arrest. These posts aim to help you re-imagine Jesus. For more information, please, Home Learning Project: Christian Beliefs & Practices, The Easter Story: The Centurion’s story. I am the resurrection and the life. What does it mean for us that Jesus died on the cross? Is there any consequence to sin? — Jesus (John 11:25-26). In the original language, holy means “set apart”. When Jesus prayed in John 17:3, He stated that eternal life is knowing the one true God and the Son whom He sent. This lesson plan looks at Jesus’ trial and hangs on the question, ‘Who is Jesus?’. The universe almost certainly exists, and you almost certainly exist, and gods, or God, are a possible explanation for this existence that you should consider. Welcome to WordPress. (Romans 4:25) Justification means to “to be put right with.” Because of our sins, humanity is separated from God and incapable of a relationship with him (Romans 6:28, Isaiah … We assume it. How much do yo know about this Christian festival? It invites students to consider this question in the context of the gospel accounts, as well as their own perspective. - Matthew 10:39; Matthew 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; Luke 17:33; John 12:25. This is the fourth in a series of five lesson plans exploring the Bible. Wherever He was, or whoever He was with, He was fully in the moment and fully committed to His goals. - This is a foreign concept to many Christians. Roman guards were ordered to stand and keep watch over it to ensure that the body wasn’t stolen. Although aimed at students aged 11 to 14, there are elements which are […], Making an Easter Garden is a fun and easy way to find out more about what happened at the first Easter and why it is so important to Christians. Could it be Jesus? These are itches that all sorts of advertisers selling all sorts of products say ‘try this, it’ll fix it!’ — you won’t need to look, struggle, or ponder any more… and these products never work as promised; often they just leave us itchier with more unsatisfied desires. In this short video Christians are asked to describe Jesus in one word. In the Gospel of John, chapters 7-8, Jesus goes to the Festival of Tabernacles to publically reveal His identity as the Messiah. Peter was one of Jesus’ closest friends, but even he let Jesus down. This occasion is […]. One Tuesday night at Bible Study class, our teacher—after pacing back and forth in his usual manner, with one finger over his lips—looked at us and asked: “What is Jesus to you?” Walking down each pew, he gave everyone an opportunity to share what Jesus meant personally. How do we do that? We must lose control of our lives. 1st John 4:1,2... "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. About “TRY JESUS” A part of the special roll-out of content Tobe Nwigwe has kept during the period of the 2020 pandemic, “Try Jesus” is a tongue-in-cheek song that sees the Houston-based … This flexible lesson plan offers ways of exploring this […]. Answer: The expression trust in Jesus holds multi-layered meaning. The, is it that makes Jesus so compelling for so many people all., trusting in Jesus means believing in me will never die multi-layered.. 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