As it is a long distanced relationship we didn’t see each other often so things had fallen apart, and we broke up recently again. Also, remember to focus on what you want. Look at yourself straight in the eyes. I think I read some reviews on Amazon UK for her book that talked about doing it for a friend. Things are getting better day by day.” Something as simple as this can change what you’re creating and your world will change with it. It doesn’t matter what’s happened in the past. It’s clear from every comment you post that you are not applying any of the tips in this article. Be honest with yourself and consider whether you’re willing to trust someone with your heart. Helping others reach their goals and through difficult times is an amazing and honorable way to leave a mark in this world. What if you drew the things you invisioned instead. It will get easier. I also completed some mundane tasks that I had to in order to ensure my highest vibration. I was devastated, so now I got Elizabeth’s book and I am working on me, so that I can get the LOVE OF MY LIFE back and FOR GOOD this time, in my heart I truly, truly, truly believe we are SOULMATES, everyone tells me, that I should just move on, that I am a beautiful young lady and I will find someone else and that he’s not that into me, etc, but we where together for 4 years going on 5, and I had alot of negative doubts, and insecurities and we kept breaking up. Elizabeth, please help me understand everything that is happening and how I can think less and be stressed and manifest this relationship with him, keep him in my life forever, and attract a marriage. Its principle simply states that you attract what you are. It really gives me hope and calms me. I saw her daily. Many people have achieved success by applying the law of attraction in their lives. Be open to being in a relationship with him again and having him there 100%. Highly recommended! I came to USA, I met another girl, and “forgot” about this dream girl, but on weekends I tried to go to see her djing but something always happened. In the end of the month she broke up with her boyfriend and I was like “OMG” it is working. Both Alexis and I would often get together and talk about our guys and how we feel about them. Thanks. Sometimes this can be the hardest part of the Law of Attraction to grasp because when there’s a person we love or are attracted to, he/she is all we can think about. Can you attract a man that kept saying to you he wasn’t attracted to you? I need you help on using loa to get her back. We were still together, just not living together. Any fears, doubts or worries are signs of resistance. I really developed strong feelings for him as we spent a lot of time together and I felt they were reciprocated to a point. But can you please help me with a list of to-do things or steps i must do to change my vibrations and feelings in my situation. She is amazing. “I will leave you alone, I don’t want to keep pestering you. I do believe Universe is making it happen for me but I would like to know if I have to feel ‘in love’ when I think of him. In order to succeed with the Law of Attraction, you have to work on your thoughts, beliefs and emotions AND let go and appreciate everything in your life. Don’t worry about how things are with your specific person all the time. I have tried but haven’t had any real success. When we first got back cool after a nasty seperation, he was reaching out to me constantly. So should I focus on centering myself again, aligning my chakras, & only after that then start acting as if and focusing my attentions again on the relationship I want to create with my ex? I have done this for two days and I feel liberated I feel like everything I was worrying about has disappeared I feel a different person seriously. In addition to these, you need to eat healthily, exercise regularly and maintain a positive attitude for a healthier you. They are also amazing, all in different ways. We just allowed fear to rule our lives….Need some TLC and encouragement :(… Thanks. I’m glad you’re enjoying my book on using the law of attraction for a specific person, G! Things were fantastic between us, but he just got out of a 4 year relationship a few months ago and apparently it was a messy end- she basically picked her career over him and moved to a different state. thanks allot Elizabeth…..thanku thanku thanku……. I have completely let go and I am staying dettached. Thanks Frances! It helps pay for my web hosting and supports my work. I cant live happy if am not in a love relation coz that first relation makes me live in wonderland.. I am in love with this guy that I know since 2011. Recently we started talking with each other Just a hello. You’re focusing on what you see around you. I was even inspired to randomly buy him a plane ticket to see me-however on the am of his flight he contacted me and said he didn’t feel comfortable coming—I was so positive and sure to that he would come. The present moment is always the best time to start a new chapter and where you are right now is the best place to begin. because I feel like i’m going the opposite way. Meeting Boston singles: Find love with EliteSingles, Dating in Miami: Find Love in the Sunshine State, Want to meet interesting Rochester singles? He could meet someone else, or just forget about me….I am lost. I am training myself to visualise better but I find sometimes the feeling of love is strong but sometimes not at all (probably because the long distanced has dragged us down and it is the second time manifesting the same person). It was a great day! Yana. Feeling liberated and as if worry has disappeared is wonderful! He is the amazing guy that I really wish to spend my time with. They encourage a healthy mental attitude, a closer connection with your dreams, and the confidence to go after them. You are greater than what is going on around you. I never pressure, I play it cool and may even come off passive. The person that I have been on and off with for ten years, how do I get that back on track with him without the resentment and just have a good family life. After 2 months he married he contact me. I believe I manifested him into my life and we get along fabulously. You know you want to be with him/her, but now you’re being told you need to be willing to lose them. In comments, you have said, let the other person go>> On this point, I have doubt. This can be tough if there are negative feelings between the two of you, and you might only be able to find one thing in the beginning, but if you keep working at it, it will get easier. As Einstein famously said, it’s insanity to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. I used your method to attract someone back after he had gone and it worked. and one more thing i send her friend request thats she not accept from 3 weeks yet but she not decline also (becaouse there is “add as friend” is not shown “request send” msg still there) now she not see me or many times we not saw to each other but like her so much please help me. Please please please tell me how do i win her. Would that be alright to just manifest him little by little to build my confidence? What if they are telling everyone they are moving on and happier without you and are going toward greener pastures and they are open to meeting someone new? I don’t understand why because when we are together things are great. All the power lines in you. You can get 6 free pre-made Mind Movies here. A month later she have been talking to him about breaking up and finally she did. Since I saw him looking at me, I felt he liked me… however, I’m a type of person who doubts a lot. Also during our book club and going over your book “how to manifest a specific person” one of the readers wanted to know if it was alright for her to chant (she is an assiduous buddhist) her buddhist mantra while using LOA. It’s available in India through Manifesting Love. I’ve recently realized that whenever I see those signs, it makes me anxious to receive. I messaged him in February.. we had a nice conversation, but for some reason I started doubting and crying… I was broke… then I found (again) the LOA, your articles were very inspiring..I was feeling quite good and would sometimes get on a level that I didn’t need him to make me happy. Then I told him I wanted to spend more time with him and it seems after I said that, things went sour and he jumped from wanting to be around me to saying nothing is there anymore and he just wants to be friends. But I would like to know if it is possible to manifest him or someone even better for Thanksgiving? You will manifest the love you want. Even I think I need professional counceling given my conundrum . I will be reading it again today so I can start the work properly and really soak it all in. You will get it. When you consider the traits that are important to you in a partner, consider how you can foster them in your own life. Thanks!!! My name is Tracy. I am in a situation where the man I just got back into my life (applying the LOA) is saying he just wants to be friends. I feel as if im doing this all wrong–primarily because I dont see it manifesting. I thought this would only make things worse, I was constantly worried he would cheat on me, go behind my back, and betray me; like he has before. Hi Riddhi – I’ve answered your question about Neville twice previously. 2. 1) You had resistance. If you go through this site, you’ll find all of the elements and instructions on how to use them. He doesn’t create yours. Thanks! Keep believing and you’ll succeed at using the Law of Attraction to attract the specific person you love. I have been intending to manifest a specifuc relationship with my ex. I have read many articles and books but i am not able to customize it in my situation. If you’re familiar with the 7 laws of attraction, one of them is called the Law of Harmony, which deals with being in harmony with the Universe and the essence of the Universe is love. But he is not sure any more he loves me. Simply put, you are not at one with your desire. I have left his cupboards ready for him to come back but am worried that I am not getting the detachment thing right. Thank you! I understand that if my reality is to have him in my life, then he will be. Manifesting a relationship with someone is easier than you might think. If you read back over what you wrote and take all the negative thoughts and change them to positives, and read these regularly, you’ll soon see a shift in your vibration that will help you be with her. The one thing i did not tell you is that during the lonelyness of my boyfriend he met a collegue from his work and she is feeling lonely too, she is married and has two children, but she is unhappy.. I am just trying to stay open and not block anyone that maybe better…even though I want the chance to see where things can go with him with the proper realignment. But i have not used it for a specific person ever, but I am so excited to do that now. And with this last guy I was with I have been having negative thoughts saying things like, “oh he wont stay”, and “What if he leaves like the rest?” Well it happened , but here’s the thing, I don’t know if it could be because of the negative thoughts or his ex. and after that he broke up with me. My fiance and I had a very close knit relationship. In no time, we’ve gotten back together. I care for him an immense amount and would do anything for him, I love him very much. I will only allow myself to go but so far because my children comes first and that is partly his problem it’s like he wants me to love him but hate my kids or just want them to go away. How Long Does it Take for the Law of Attraction to Work? You don’t need to be a deeply spiritual person to engage in these principles, they’re open to everyone. in your life. This is the man I want to be around. I have been loving this girl, like crazy and madly since the past 18 months. I really want her back tho we live thousands of miles away !! Your thoughts have the power to create, so it is possible that you created this situation, but you can also turn it around. Marie – Elizabeth explains how to use the law of attraction to attract a specific person regardless of your circumstances or situation in her book, Manifesting Love. Hi Elizabeth- The general principle proposes that when you release the blocks that cause resistance in your life, you can move forward to create the reality you desire. Ajaya Mishra is an Internationally Renowned Success Coach, Law of Attraction Expert, and Life-Changing Mentor. Please help Me .. Can I get him back in my life ?? My life is a masterpiece and I can create it any way I choose. Hi, I know LOA by several months……but only one question is in my mind that should I visualize my desire only one time or repeat until my desire is not fulfilled ? I got repeated complements about my looks for coworkers and others. Nice article, but i have some questions. I want to use your book to know how to shift my focus because I keep focusing on the negative aspects. It’s far too much to explain here. Struggling to meet Philadelphia singles? Your comment was a really pleasant surprise. I’ve just shared it with my friend, Alexis, this morning! He sent love songs then ask if mine were about him. we both are shy… and i remember that I would message him of desperation sometimes.. ©2012-2021 Well Read Gnome, LLC All Rights Reserved. You can have the relationship you want. It’s all the same when using the Law of Attraction to attract a specific person. How can one do both? Thank you so much. Let me know how it goes! This not only attracts similar energies but it also puts you in the right environments to meet your match. Hi dear Elizabeth .I know it may sound weird but is it possible to attract so who is married now? What are your thoughts on this situation and how to change it Elizabeth? Now, i feel betrayed and as though my friend has taken advantage of the situation. I know evn he’s unhappy wants to be wid me… But she and I get along really well. Their desire really could be on its way to manifesting by the date, but they don’t see it and end up creating a lot of fear and resistance that prevents the desire from manifesting. Manifesting Love: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Attract a Specific Person, Get Your Ex Back, and Have the Relationship of Your Dreams, Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for You. Thamk you for your email. They end up not manifesting it not working when if they had stayed the course, they may have been someone the very next day. But whatever you decide to do, focus on doing what makes you happy. . I have very nice girl in my class. Tracy – Elizabeth goes into detail on how to use the law of attraction to attract a specific person in her book, Manifesting Love. Focusing on self-love means that you’re becoming the best version of you, and that puts you in a great position to, is different from your e-mail address and doesn't contain the word 'eDarling', Law of Attraction: Love and How You Can Manifest It, 3 Long-Distance Valentine’s Day Tips to Try This February, Fun Date Ideas: 6 Activities to Try During Lockdown, Dating in Your 30s as a Woman: 5 Realities, Adding a ‘Bubble Bae’ to Your Quarantine Bubble is the New Relationship Milestone, Being Single: 6 Amazing Benefits That You Should Know, Long Distance Relationship: 5 Tips to Make It Work, Find the Perfect Partner – NJ Dating That Really Works, Acing the New York Dating Scene: Find Love with EliteSingles. Please reply. Hi Eli, It won’t interfere with anything. A big step in creating a new relationship is being honest about your own beliefs. I never thought of it as trying to control it-I thought it was inspired action because it was so out of my norm. And I don’t have kindle so how? Changing your thoughts/beliefs allows your life to change. It was the nicest compliment I had ever received..I will not go into details, but I was on and off with my emotions… I thought that in September (because we study at the same university, except for he is a year older than me) things will be very good.. but they are not… we only say hello to each other… and most of the time ignore each other like we don’t exist… his groupmate is still being flirty with him and I don’t know what to do. Please help. Reality is an illustration of the choices one makes. Even tho he would come over and ask if he could come over every weekend and asked why i didn’t call him. An we had so much in common that I couldn’t even believe this can be true… so we were chatting on and off. Better than I thought my first day was going to be. Ive poured over your book and site and I am at a loss as to my missteps….am I still stuck in resistance or not allowing? there is a guy in my class i like…..but we dont talk much….what should i do to make him smile at me and talk to me??? I want your suggestion , What’s happened happened. Hi Elizabeth..AJ here again…I bought your book last night and read it in one setting! Focus on creating the relationship you want and allow it to happen. Every night, I would pray to god to give me signs if i should continue to believe in this love or not. Arthemia – Have you read Elizabeth’s book Manifesting Love? It’s okay that you don’t like the same girls your friends do. Tra – Elizabeth explains right below where you post that she can no longer respond to individual comments. but somehow i am doing something wrong because things don’t manifest the way want… i don’t know what i’m doing wrong. The Law of Attraction for Love for a specific person works by focusing on yourself. Thank you for your reply. Thank you again. Please help me How can I get Law of Attraction to work for me and get him to call/text me and we start taking again. I told him I want to repair everything, I want to change. Today is my first day of my 21 day journey to attract a specific person into my life. It is ok for me. Thanks God for organizing this article and this person on my way! Yesterday I spent the day mentally preparing myself for this journey. Visualization and focus are part of the Law of Attraction, but you still have to take specific action, be open to receiving, etc. Learn how to use the law of attraction to change your reality by doing this!PRIVATE VIDEOS/TECHNIQUES: (NEW!) I totally understand this, and really did sense it… is it possible that I manifested this? Hi Riddhi – Belief and faith are necessary in order to assume the mindset of having it. This means to live as though you are the you you desire to be. Please revert back to me. I have been seeing this guy for about 2 months now but we’ve known each other since we were kids…In the beginning he was really into me and passionate, he always found some way to touch me..but a couple of weeks ago all of his affection has stopped and I found out that he still talks to his ex but for court related issues that will be going on until January. Want him to give me a chance of being with him. I’ve given it space, time and room to breath as I trust in divine intervention as well as universal laws. Have fun. Alot of people do apply the LOA, but its like they are forcing it. Well lately I have been looking at this LOA and I would love to try it. But however he is closed to the idea of love somehow and settling down. I really want him back in my life .. I don’t quite have a reason to suddenly cut down on talking to him and I am sure if I do that he would want to know why. Allow the world to transform to match your thoughts. If visualizing myself with my man makes me happy, if thinking about my man & I’s new relationship makes me happy, then that is okay to focus on? You can truly make happen everything you want. If you want to manifest love, invite more love into your own life. You may be in love with a person who is not interested in you, but try to attract the person. So how do you focus on yourself so that the Law of Attraction can bring you a specific person? You can use a specific date if you want. I haven’t seen him in so long, he is quite far away and I have no idea how that will manifest itself but I am leaving it up to the universe to make it happen because Christmas used to have a very special meaning to us. But, I truly believe that he and I are meant to be, and I am so excited that I brought the book and am reading it, taking the steps, and working on me. Do use positive words when using the law of attraction and love techniques. Juli – Elizabeth explains in detail how to use the law of attraction to attract a specific person in her book, Manifesting Love. I do see us being a great couple, but how can I get the LOA to work for me and him and she’s in the way? So how do you go about using this mindset to attract love into your life? For example, you can imagine how beautiful you look, when you walk on the beach. It’ll encourage you to become emotionally open and let go of any emotional baggage from previous relationships that may be holding you back. She can continue with her Buddhist mantras. She is trying something. Mind Movies - My go-to for visualization videos and raising my vibration fast for over 10 years. The Law of Attraction for love has your best interest at heart. The first step is moving your focus from what you don’t have, to what you desire to become a reality. As the date gets closer, they start wondering why it hasn’t happened yet and worry that it isn’t working. Basically, you create your reality. Before you know it, the Law of Attraction will answer your request for love. I was his first girlfriend and he was my first boyfriend as well. I am so in love with him. Thank you for your answer and this makes sense. We both sort of faded and haven’t been in touch for about a year and 6 months now. Normally I focus in meditation on my intentions, relax, and allow my manifestations to occur—but, normally I am also not as Concerned about what I want to manifest. It doesn’t matter what your situation is like. And, you're still…, Who doesn't love a good love song? I appreciate any help I can get. we are friends now. When you let it in and focus on the positive, you change your vibration and open a door for the Law of Attraction for love to bring you your specific person. Anouar. I was in a relationship with a guy for awhile but we split in 2008. The law of attraction will always reward any emotion or feeling you are passing through with respect of the proportionate value attached to it. Secondly, how does one visualize happiness when still hurting, and how does one visualize good things and “let it go” when the memory of the breakup is still recent and fresh. If you’re in alignment with him being in your life, he will be. But it is has worried me over the past few days. It is available in Australia here. But the Law of Attraction is about you – your thoughts, your feelings, and your vibration. The effectiveness depends on you and the energy flow you put into manifesting your specific person. He is not dating anyone at the moment. Focus on the positive. Will making myself happy work in order to manifest in this situation? Romance and Love Affirmations to work with The Law of Attraction with. The thing is I like one guy very much. When you bought the ticket, you decided how things were going to happen. It’s been identified by quantum physicists that the Law of Attraction is actual due to the fact that “Like brings in like.” There is a sensible application if we let our thoughts be our fact as we identify it today. Kamal – Elizabeth explains how to use the law of attraction for love and to attract a specific person in her book, Manifesting Love. I am going to be in the US and him in Tahiti. My situation is very similar to this… My guy was always telling that I would be better off with someone else and that he couldnt’ give me everything I deserved. All in all, he wants to move on completely and says that while he loved me and cared about me at the time of the break-up he simply wasn’t happy anymore and wants to move on to a new city, life etc… We have so financial dealings together but he says he no longer wants to worry about it because keeping in touch about cash isn’t healthy and we both need to move on. Really important to do that now UK for her book, manifesting love so! 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