Here is the trap that most Bible movies fall into—showing us too much, making it too easy for us. The film featured some excellent/very good and convincing performances, but also had one or two miscasts. He eventually tracks down the twelve disciples and through a series of mysterious events, is transformed into a new man. A great story from a unique perspective. Clavius, a Roman military tribune serving in Judea at the time of Christ, dreams of “a day without death.” But what he ultimately finds is very much more. For a while there — OK, for about 10 minutes — I thought Risen was onto something: The Greatest Story Story Ever Told as an episode of a TV crime procedural like C.S.I. Upon arriving, Clavius orders his soldiers to break the legs of the crucifixion victims. Overall, a religious movie for the masses that Joseph Fiennes plays a cynical, worldly Roman tribune who is assigned by Pontius Pilate to supervise the Crucifixion, then to seal Jesus' tomb, and, subsequently, to investigate the rumors of the Resurrection. It’s a small role, played by Richard Atwill, but it has enormous impact. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. I loved the way Jesus and the apostles were portrayed. All direct quotes from the Bible were accurate and powerfully depicted. He was even present at the ascension. It was interesting to have Clavius form a sort of partnership with the disciples - sharing their journey to Galilee and experiencing the risen Christ along the way, to the point at which you'd have to say that he was converted. | Powerful Acting and Writing Give an Old Story New Perspective. Another Way To Tell The Story Of The Resurrection, A surprising winner - a real chance to grapple with the mystery. It is part of his long term plan that gets him back to Rome, position and power, wealth, a good family, and then a home in the country - "a day without death" as he puts it. (By the way, someone please nominate that Roman guard in tavern for an award.). This is a very good movie (4.5 stars wasn't available) and would highly recommend it to anyone. Good movie and would recommend others to watch. I give this a B. Pilate thinks Jesus’ followers somehow drugged the Roman guards—who were, after all, drinking wine throughout the night—at the tomb so they could remove the body. Well to be honest it made me shed a few tears. But those are minor quibbles. Risen is worth your time. The movie was done very well in all aspects. Risen is a breath of fresh air for moviegoers who have longed for a quality, biblical-themed movie that upholds the truth of Scripture rather than attacking it. FAQ Finally he meets Jesus (Cliff Curtis), the Risen Christ. This tale of faith and redemption marks a new chapter for biblical epics. With nothing else to see, I went, somewhat reluctantly, to see the new Biblically inspired, movie, 'Risen' (which, as you can see, got good reviews on IMDb). Risen Brings New Life to Bible Movies - Christian movie reviews and ratings that are family friendly. One of these days, Affirm Films is going to make a movie that manages to become a breakthrough hit. I thought it would be a let down of some off the wall 'Christian' movie. It is, of course, a familiar story to most of the world. He uses Clavius(Fiennes) to track down the body of Yeshua after he goes missing after the required three days. Risen is a Biblical Drama/Adventure film that follows Roman Tribune 'Clavius' (Joseph Fiennes) who is tasked with investigating the disappearance of the body of 'Jesus of Nazareth', who has been rumoured to have resurrected. "Risen" is a mixed bag. Then it would have been a powerful story indeed, and I suspect Joseph Fiennes would have loved the challenge of performing it. The worst of them are chock full of stereotypes, contradictions, and just plain bad writing and acting (cough...God Is Not Dead...cough). On these very important counts, Risen comes up short. Separating my own skepticism from the artistic merit of Risen is easy. It also threatens the man he used to be, but by now he’s too deeply involved even to notice that. The most recent home video release of Risen movie is May 24, 2016. Really, a beautiful movie. It is simply his job and he is rather stoic about it. I just wish there was a movie that depicted Jesus a little more 'manly' than He has been shown. The quality is above most faith-based films and is full of action, humor, and inspiration for the whole family. That is an Oscar winning performance in any other film, but as i have said because it is a religious film it hasn't got him the praise that he should got. As the movie opens, Clavius is leading Roman soldiers in battle against a group of Jewish zealots led by Barabbas. I'll leave that thinking up to the reader,,. This man was there. With the most recent Biblical movies that Hollywood has come out with, Noah and Exodus, the main complaint, at least from the Christian viewer-base, was that they didn't stick to the accuracy of the Bible; in this film they do - so it has that going for it, if you're a Christian. Tribune Clavius played superbly by Joseph Fiennes is ordered by Pilate to find the body of Christ because the Romans believed it was stolen. Should win some awards if Hollywood doesn't play-it-down. He is tired of it all and wants to retire to a quiet life with a family, without witnessing any more deaths. But this doesn’t mean Risen isn’t remarkable. This was the fulcrum of all human history, the turning-point of everything: and this man saw it. For a fallen-down Catholic boy like me, seeing Risen, a take on the weeks after Christ's Resurrection, should have offered me a year's supply of cynicism. It is a FICTIONAL account through the eyes of Pontius Pilate's right … Eventually he finds the disciples, talks with them, eats with them—even saves them from a Roman posse: an incident which is not in the Bible and which the movie would have been better off without. In many ways, the central character is an everyman because it is fairly easy to place yourself in his shoes--or sandals in this case--and imagine what it must have been like to have been in charge of guarding Christ's tomb and then having to answer for the disappearance. A Roman tribune is assigned by governor Pilatos to carry out a bizarre investigation , to discover the possible resurrection of a man called Jesus of Nazareth. But where does that leave us? The tomb of Jesus Christ has burst open, and everything has changed. This is an interesting take on an oft told tale. I have no idea why there should be a special category for “Biblical violence,” nor can I explain how it differs from non-Biblical violence, whatever that may be. or Law and Order. My husband and sons went to see the movie Risen in the theatre; I will see it when it Assisted by his beneficiariusLucius (Felton), they head for Calvary when an earthquake shakes the city. “We’re astounded, too,” admits Peter (Stewart Scudamore). Having stated that, I can still recommend Risen as a well made and well intentioned film by director Kevin Reynolds. This one has none of that. 1. Anyway, I digress. What a treat. Told from the perspective of a Roman Tribune sent to investigate how Jesus' physical body disappeared from it's tomb, it's a story well told, seems historically authentic, and I (a lapsed Catholic/agnostic/skeptic) recommend it highly. Lee is the author of the Bell Mountain Series of novels and a contributing editor for our Faith for All of Life magazine. Acceptable and memorable film in which a Roman Agent : Joseph Fiennes along with his helper : Tom Felton are commissionated to resolve rumors of the resurrection of an executed convict : Cliff Curtis .In 33 AD in a remote part of the empire called Palestine , sent to to disprove the resurrection and on a spiritual quest the Tribune discovers faith, friendship , wonderful events and a revelation that could shatter the Roman Empire to find the body of Jesus Christ . I can never be the same.”, In John 20:25, Thomas says, “Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.”. Overall, a religious movie for the masses that feels like an actual movie and not a Sunday school lesson. Very well made. Just like watching the Narnia film series will subtly spoil your reading of C. S. Lewis, this movie will subtly spoil your reading of the New Testament. I was worried at first glance of the trailer i saw during a preview of another movie. For that reason the movie is main stream, watchable and something I did like a lot more than I expected to. You will enjoy it especially when we see the conversion of Clavius taking place. In the end, RISEN is a well-directed, well-acted movie with a really good score by Roque Banos. Shopping. I am a Christian Orthodox myself and i have to say that this movie ''touched'' me and moved me. To anyone else considering making another film based on the bible, please take note of this film. The ‘Risen’ Movie 02/19/16 Download/Print PDF Eric Metaxas Christian audiences have felt a little burned lately by bad movies on biblical subjects. So good to have a Christian film that doesn't make you cringe with embarrassment at its naivety or ineptness but instead touches you. It's mostly believable. Info. The coloring choices are grittier and more natural - not overly soaked in ambient light. Like Thomas, he’s seen everything. How can Clavius not believe, after all he’s seen? Kind of took me by surprise. The acting/casting was very good and the scenes felt authentic. I'm normally not drawn to faith-based films, but I'm glad I ended up seeing this one. "Risen," directed by Kevin Reynolds and starring Joseph Fiennes, is the story of the manhunt for the … These are real people living in complicated times grappling with things they struggle to explain. This is the best Christian film I have seen in a long time. Bible movies can only take us so far, and never far enough. “We was wakened by this terrible flash … all of a sudden. This one is an exception. Just a wonderful film that tells the story with excellence and dignity. Watch later. Metacritic Reviews. Very Heart pounding. Seems unrealistic whenever he came home, there were no bruises or indication he had boxes. So be prepared. But by then Jesus is already dead, and that should have been the end of it. | No rock creatures to be found here. Please don't waste your time picking apart the theology. Research the Roman Diaries sometime. It is a FICTIONAL account through the eyes of Pontius Pilate's right hand man (Roman tribune) Clavis. If you have felt let down over some faith films, do try this one I think you'll be happily surprised. As expected there are some very religious aspects to this, but its never in your face or distracting enough to make you feel like you are being preached to. In fact even though everyone knows the story of this movie they never use the name Jesus. Fiennes was very good as Clavius - a Roman who obviously doesn't believe in Jesus as the Messiah or in his resurrection but who finally has a dramatic experience when he discovers the disciples in the upper room. I must confess that I am a retired Catholic with strong antipathy towards all organized religion. It deviates from the Biblical story to show a different point of view and they do it graphically and with a great connection to the audience. Joseph Fiennes plays Clavius, an intense, driven man inescapably haunted by the things he’s had to do as a soldier in a not very thoroughly pacified Roman province. You won’t see many performances as unforgettable as this one. RISEN is a really good movie to bring a secular friend, because it shows a skeptical non-believer coming to faith. "Yes, Risen is historical fiction, but it's largely harmonious with the Gospel story, incredibly well-done, and not much different from those Sunday School discussions many of us take part in week to week," Foust wrote. Strangely in a movie about the Easter event, Yeshua wasn't central enough to the story for Curtis' performance to rank among some of the fine actors who've played Jesus over the years, but given the limitations of the role in this movie I thought he did well. "Risen" is the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection, as told through the eyes of a non-believer. Clavius seems more of a tired observer with his deep stare and mellow manner, and he seems appalled by the violence that the Roman soldiers perform, violence that he himself is called on to perform as well. The combatants, including the player and enemies, has access to different attack moves, as well as parries, blocks, and dodges. But thanks to a few minutes on the screen by Robert Atwill, it’s still a movie that will be good for you to see. After a morning battle with a group of zealots led by Barabbas, Clavius is summoned by Pilate to make sure that the three people crucified that morning would be dead before sundown. Paul wrote, “For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? Here are some details… Home Video Notes: Risen Release Date: 24 May 2016 Risen releases to home video in the following formats with the following bonus Quite a bit farther; and it does a very good job of taking us along with it. I must say that the story is almost as accurate as it is written from the bible, and the actors did a fantastic job portraying the lives of the disciples back then. Risen is a story about a Roman Centurion named Clavius who was assigned by Pontius Pilate to participate in the killing of Jesus and later make an investigation to the missing body of Yeshua.This film by director and co-screenwriter Kevin Reynolds provides another story about the resurrection that will provide interest to would-be viewers of the film as it is told from the Roman point-of-view.It stars Joseph Fiennes in the lead role as Clavius together with Tom Felton,Peter Firth and Cliff Curtis. Two movies in one, the first much better than the second. No results were found while searching for “[% query %]”. I have to start by saying that it's a shame this film hasn't got the acclaim that it deserves.Why?Because it is a film that it has to do with the Christian religion and generally in today's society these kind of films aren't politically correct, if you know what i mean. In broader terms, Risen is simply conceptually inappropriate. It's faithful to the original story of Jesus, but also completely different as the story of a Roman Tribune commanded to find the body of Jesus to quell the new messiah movement. Clavius (Fiennes) is a Roman Tribune who has just been told to go complete a crucifixion where a Sentinel has refused. Awards Again Joseph Fiennes is excellent and he should be very proud of his performance. Since Jesus (called “Yeshua” in the film) appears to be dead already, and due to the wailing of some women in the crowd, Clavius orders a s… Risen is a good production, although it still needs a number of cuts. 8:24–25). Fiennes was great as the world weary brutal soldier who when confronted with the incredibly inexplicable both in miracle and in loving behaviour, is willing to search for answers. Clavius continues on his quest, a mission which is changing him even as he pursues it, drawing him away from the Roman life that was all he knew, and all he had. Tap to unmute. "I have seen two things which I cannot reconcile: A man dead without question, and that same man alive again." Overall an excellent film, that for those who have read and know the facts, will in my opinion be a classic. Clavius leaves no stone unturned(pardon the pun) in his search for the messiah. You have to see Atwill’s face and look into his eyes. Which can’t be a good thing. Lee has his own blog at I was pleasantly surprised. Yeshua came across as jovial and good natured; humble and compassionate. Risen is an old-fashioned “Bible movie” along the lines of The Robe or Ben-Hur—only it goes a bit farther than they did. And the sword-and-sandals part of the movie is very good Title: Risen (The Novelization of the Major Motion Picture) Author: Angela Hunt Pages: 320 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bethany My rating is 5 stars. RISEN - a short film. In a seedy little tavern, Clavius catches up to one of the guards. This is a very well made movie. He was always rebuking His disciples and loving everyone else to bring them in with His love. Share. | Though at first glance (at least at the cover image) this smacks of a typical faith film, several elements set it apart. You have to see it and hear it. We all know that. We didn’t see Jesus nailed to the cross and taken down, dead. The man is drinking as if his life depended on it, but he’s not yet too far gone to answer questions—only drunk enough to let his need to talk outweigh his very real fear of being put to death. We are reminded of the spiritual journey of Paul, from hate-filled persecutor of the church to Apostle to the Gentiles. Jesus is played by an excellent choice of actor, who is less of a male model look than many movies. As it turns out, the film was a pleasant trip back to the days when I did believe, when awe was a companion of my faith. The night I watched it I dreamed about the movie all night, not something which normally happens. Ostensibly about the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, it's more a logical investigation imaginatively laid atop a history lesson, a key miracle of the New Testament, and a logical examination of rational thought challenged by inexplicable events. But Risen will take a completely different approach, while maintaining a … As a final triumph, this film quietly provides perhaps the most authentic portrayal of a 1st-century, middle eastern Christ to grace the screen - right down to the decision to call him Yeshua. The movie’s producer, Rich Peluso, explains it by saying, “Because of the perspective of coming in this through the eyes of a nonbeliever, it feels very comfortable for nonbelievers to … I absolutely loved this movie, and fought tears during the 2nd half. Not that He was mean, but don't parents always treat their own children differently then the friend who comes over for a visit? Risen gave a fresh but solemn view of the biblical story of the aftermath of Jesus's crucifixion as it tells the story through the eyes of a conflicted and emotionally drained Roman soldier named Clavius. He has searched among a heap of decaying corpses for the body of this man whom Pilate killed. No, Jesus and the disciples did not hang out with a Roman after the resurrection. That said, like almost every movie about Jesus Christ, the movie captures the essence of the biblical story while dramatizing it with some added dramatic elements. It covers the period from the Crucifixion of Christ till his Ascension,but not through the eyes of a disciple or a follower of his.It's how a Roman tribune witnesses it, trying to find the body of Christ after his Resurrection. We never had the opportunity to see Him afterward, alive—to see Him in the flesh, and talk with Him face-to-face. A great story from a unique perspective. Risen is an action RPG with a strong focus on combat. Although the message of the Gospel is clearly stated and shown in the movie, it does not come off as proselytizing. It sticks to the source more than most biblical films usually do, but its just so boring. I eventually lost that battle, and I heard other sniffles in the audience as well. It is the story of a Roman tribune, Clavius, who is stationed in Judea at the time of Christ. They've come very close with a number of prior releases (including War Room and Heaven is for Real, both of which did respectable box office) and they come close again with 'Risen', but the movie just can't get past its poor supporting casting, low production value, and not-quite-fleshed … Really, a beautiful movie. For more than 100 years, stories of Jesus have been the topic of movies. External Reviews I just came back from seeing Risen, and I have to say, I was actually impressed. We have to believe, somehow, without having seen. Pilate, naturally, doesn’t believe that. There are a few minutes in this movie that take it to a whole new level. Risen is an old-fashioned “Bible movie” along the lines of The Robe or Ben-Hur—only it goes a bit farther than they did. Risen is a well done action movie with strong writing of an old story in a fresh new way. Intense, watch-worthy, and well-told story. Lee provides commentary on cultural trends and relevant issues to Christians, along with providing cogent book and media reviews. Because a film hitting theaters this weekend proves that swords-and-sandals productions based on the Bible can still hold their own against "Ben Hur." He is absolutely wonderful with an authentic disciplined and beautiful arc to his work. Clavius says, “I don’t even know what to ask … I cannot reconcile this with the world I know.”, And at the end he is asked, “Tribune, do you truly believe all this?”, To which he answers, “I believe. "Risen" fails to rise to the top, but it's still a decent film for a relatively low-budget period piece. It wasn’t a man.”. Peter Firth is Pilate, the ultimate politician and deal maker. I really liked the perspective of this movie. And Jesus says, “Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” (John 20:29). It's told in a non-preachy way, and if one can put their religious prejudices aside, I think the movie can be an absorbing watch. And what’s really great about this film is that it will appeal to Christians and non-believers alike. So does Clavius: and it has wounded his soul. He puts down uprisings and kills the rebels, but he has neither joy nor sadness about this fate. Whether an attack connects depend on the What is Clavius to make of this? Risen is a well done action movie with strong writing of an old story in a fresh new way. They handled the biblical story respectfully, while taking creative license in a way that maintained the spirit and overall message of the gospel. The next day he is tasked with making sure the body stays in the tomb. It begins grandly enough, with Romans doing what they did so well: conquering. This is a very good movie (4.5 stars wasn't available) and would highly recommend it to anyone. It's told through skeptical eyes rather than through eyes of faith. References When Clavius suggests, “Perhaps it’s true,” Pilate answers, “If it is, I’ll kill him again.” Believing that Jesus’ disciples have stolen the body, Pilate assigns Clavius to track them down and make them tell the truth. Fiennes' performance is somewhat disappointing but acting is adequate. All direct quotes from the Bible were accurate and powerfully depicted. Risen falls into it, too. Verified Purchase. The movie is movie of a detective/missing body movie that a religious epic. Great action. … A figure appeared, and we could not look on him. User Ratings Fiennes is awesome as a man who undergoes a life changing series of events. Risen is a case of a technically good movie overstaying it's welcome. Not quite cinematic per se or traditionally action-packed, the film has relatively slow pacing but keeps it interesting by supplying well-developed characters and simply the thrill of the original man-hunt. Joseph Fiennes, Tom Felton,and Peter Firth were perfect for the roles they played. If this one scene were all there was to the film, it would be enough to reward your time spent watching it. Risen is smaller and quieter. I am a show biz professional and tony voter and this is a lovely movie with a breathtaking performance by Joseph Fiennes. We need the faith that only God can give us. From a Christian perspective it's a stark reminder of how small and seemingly weak the original Jesus movement was - scattered, frightened disciples under constant threat, but increasingly emboldened by the growing realization of what had happened. But one really good movie can change all that. One thing puzzles me; and that is Columbia Pictures' timing of this release. Roman Soldiers ,non believers, that wrote about what they saw Jesus and his disciples do. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. Yeshua's dialogue was somewhat limited (what was important in this context was not his words, but others' experience of him) but I did like Curtis' take on Yeshua. A true testament of how wondrous Jesus is. There is also an evident respect by trying to tell the story in a very honest way and not to add any unnecessary visual effects, just to make it extremely dramatic. Many of these biblical films do touch on many of the same beats, but this film approached the story in some interesting ways and offered enough new to differentiate it from the others. We (most of the STR office staff) just got back from seeing the movie Risen. Many of these religious themed movies fall in a trap of becoming too cheesy and too in your face for a main stream audience. An outstanding, haunting faith-based film, brilliantly scripted and acted. The cast is uniformly excellent, with the lead, Joseph Fiennes as a Roman soldier drawn into the political intrigue at Jesus'(Yeshua here), Crucifixion and resurrection. For that reason the movie is main stream, watchable and something I did like a lot more than I expected to. The story progressed at a steady pace for most of the film making it very easy to follow, and the film was also accompanied by a pretty good soundtrack that i did not expect at all. “This threatens them, Caiaphas and Rome,” says Clavius. It's told largely through the eyes of a Roman tribune, Clavius - played by Joseph Fiennes. The acting/casting was very good and the scenes felt authentic. Indeed, his first assignment under the new governor, Pontius Pilate (Peter Frith), is to break the crucified Jesus’ legs, to hasten death. I don't want to say anymore because i don't want to spoil it,but through his quest for the truth he will experience things that he wouldn't believe if he hadn't seen them with his own eyes.The scenery is excellent and there is no exaggeration in the story. Would have been nice to see more of the children and home life. A strong performance from Fiennes alongside very believable, human portrayals of iconic characters allows the viewer to step into the possible events post-crucifixion afresh. Right hand man ( Roman tribune who has just been told many times over in similar fashion watching! 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