Conjuring Up a Lost Civilization: An Analysis of the Claims Made by Graham Hancock in Magicians of the Gods March 31, 2019; A response to Napier and Howard and the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis September 20, 2017; Conjuring Up a Lost Civilization: updating the debate with Graham Hancock September 19, 2017 The Near-East and Caucasus region, in orange, recovers starting about 7,000 years ago, and it is not surprising that this area is in Mesopotamia, which became the cradle of our civilization after the Younger Dryas … However, modern science also claims that humans have evolved into our current incarnation about 1 million years ago. It also saw the end of the North American Clovis culture. The study titled Extraordinary Biomass-Burning Episode and Impact Winter Triggered by the Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact ~12,800 Years Ago” analyzed geochemical and isotopic markers and found that massive fires would have been responsible, in part, for the disappearance of large mammals. Anyone who has been paying any attention to anything over the past 20 years is well aware of the Mayan... Bimini Road. Will share site with my pals. What would such a civilization be like? The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis was first proposed just ten years ago. If my problem was a Death Star, this article is a photon toprdeo. This is the story the Younger Dryas event and the megafauna extinction. event July 7, 2016 comment 15 Comments. It also saw the end of the North American Clovis culture. Wonderkrater is the 30th site in the world for such evidence. This continued for close to 2,500 years. Does the existence of Dwarka eliminate the only argument against the man made origins of other sites like Bimini Road and Yonaguni Monument? I have included below for reference Temperature fluctuations over the past 22,000 years showing the abrupt cooling during the Younger Dryas. Whatever the case, it is believed that the Younger Dryas event spelled doom for the Clovis people living in North America at the time. Is anyone paying any attention to any of the hypothesis surrounding the Younger Dryas Impact? R ecently, I have watched an interview of two renown authors (Graham Hancock & Dr. Robert Schoch) discussing the Younger Dryas hypothesis. Most people may not realize that a comparable event occurred in the prehistoric period before human civilization arises. Previously, humans were largely nomadic hunters that harvested wild grains without establishing permanent locations. The Earth was hit by a fragmented comet around 13,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene Era and scientists are now starting to agree. Natufians were the … It is now hypothesized that this could have been caused by a meteorite impact, the Clovis meteorite. Your purchases, monthly subscriptions and donations help us to continue providing this paradigm shifting knowledge to the world. Coronavirus is destroying modern civilization and the deplorable Graham Hancock is silent and thinking about the Younger Dryas! Instead, it predicted the end of this age of mankind.… For example, the largest meltwater pulse, meltwater pulse 1A, occurred between 13,500 and 14,700 calendar years ago with its peak at about 13,800 calendar years ago, which predates the hypothesized Younger Dryas impact. The graphic shows the vast swathe of our planet that geologists call the Younger Dryas Boundary Field. It is what happened before that we desperately need to recover. That adreessds several of my concerns actually. The end of the Younger Dryas, about 11,500 years ago, was particularly abrupt. Thus, flooding due to rapid sea level rise cannot be an result of it. Grahm Hancock made a documentary that proposes that both the Pyramids at Giza, and the temples of Angkor Wat are built to mimic the placement of constellations in our sky at around 10,500 BCE. Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization (Video) 06/10/2020 By Stillness in the Storm Leave a Comment Others have postulated that the Younger Dryas event was caused by a meteor impact. B efore the strike, vast areas of wild wheat and barley had allowed nomadic hunters in the Middle East to establish permanent base camps. These cities had been described in Ancient Hindu texts, but had long been considered myth by modern science. The crater itself is named the Hiawatha Impact Crater. Various journalists, popularizers, and writers of semi-fiction and science fiction have picked up on and sensationalized the “comet theory” despite the weakness of the evidence. The Younger Dryas boundary lies at the base of the YD black mat. The Younger Dryas impact is thought to have occurred between 10,800 to 10,900 BC. Before the strike, vast areas of wild wheat and barley had allowed nomadic hunters in the Middle East to establish permanent base camps. Since 2008 we have produced over 100+ hours of FREE educational media materials for millions of individuals throughout the world. Throughout his book Magicians of the Gods, Graham finds various ill researched points to verify his lost civilization theory. Die Jüngere Dryaszeit, auch nur Jüngere Dryas, Jüngere Tundrazeit, Jüngere Tundrenzeit oder Dryas 3 (im Englischen als Younger Dryas oder YD bezeichnet) war in der Erdgeschichte ein scharfer Kälterückfall (Stadial) nach dem Alleröd-Interstadial am Ende der Weichsel-Kaltzeit (Quartär). Simple: “The rocks that make up the Bimini Road have been under water for 10,000 years, and there were no civilizations capable of building them 10,000 years ago.“ This is a great paradox of science. Younger Dryas event was caused by a meteor impact. The evidence is there in the field and it continues to stack up. That is significant because there were many ages before this one as there will be ages after this one. The Younger Dryas (YD) was an ∼1,300-y period of extreme climate that dramatically reversed the course of global warming that brought the last Ice Age to a close. During this period, the temperatures in Greenland suddenly started to drop. The temperatures rose and many areas of the northern hemisphere were under an “altithermal” climate that was several degrees warmer than today. © 2018 The Truth Hunter. It was ridiculed due to lack of evidence, in particular, a smoking gun, or an impact crater. But at the beginning of this mini ice age there were huge levels of burning and now we know that Abu Hureyra was abruptly destroyed from what can only be an impact event. Website. | Philosophy w/ Uberboyo. Without this recent, long-lasting extreme climate stability held at the optimal temperature, our present civilization, technology, and population would be impossible. An extremely advanced ancient civilization—that flourished during the Ice Age—was wiped out from the surface of the planet some 13,000 years ago due to a massive comet strike, and the ancients left us a warning of future events. These were hidden in or on a holy mountain, existing in the vicinity of the terrestrial Paradise, so that they might survive a coming cataclysm of fire and flood (a memory almost certainly of the Younger Dryas … North American ice sheet receded past the St Laurence river. It has been proposed that an advanced civilization existed 11-12,000 years ago and was wiped out by a comet strike which hit glacial ice and caused a massive flood. The Younger Dryas was a prehistoric period when many of earth’s species disappeared from the planet. (Although there is evidence that the Sphinx, and possibly even the Pyramids actually were built around 10,500 BCE and later repurposed by the Egyptians). The Younger Dryas event gets its name from a wildflower called Dryas octopetala, which can tolerate extremely cold conditions, which became common in many parts of Europe around 12,800 years ago. You are here: Home / Archieves / Uncategorized / younger dryas civilization younger dryas civilization March 1, 2021 / 0 Comments / in Uncategorized / by / 0 …… Instead of explaining his theory here, I am embedding his documentary below for you to watch. Younger Dryas, also called Younger Dryas stadial, cool period between roughly 12,900 and 11,600 years ago that disrupted the prevailing warming trend occurring at the end of the Pleistocene Epoch (which lasted from 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago). See the video below. Today less than a tenth of the 22-acre site is open to the sky. History is finally being re-written! However, temperatures suddenly reverted back and there was a short cold spell, known as the Younger Dryas, before the final warming and the official end of the last ice age. The Younger Dryas is viewed as a crucial period for humanity, as it roughly coincides with the emergence of agriculture and the first Neolithic civilisations. For a long time this subject was being used to explain everything from the fall of an ancient civilization to the JFK assassination, possibly the death of … Some of these include the dating of the Great Sphinx of Giza, the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis (YDIS), and tectonic shifts of Antarctica. Evidence that speaks for itself. A global cataclysm such as the Younger Dryas event could have easily plunged humanity back into the stone age. Unlocking the events that led to the Younger Dryas would provide further understanding of the rise of civilization. Then, in 10,500 BCE, The Younger Dryas event halted the warming, and plunged the Earth back into an ice age that lasted for 1,000 years. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis or Clovis comet hypothesis posits that fragments of a large (more than 4 kilometers in diameter), disintegrating asteroid or comet struck North America, South America, Europe, and western Asia about 12,800 to 11,700 years ago. He claims that these structures were built on the remains of previous structures. This chart is derived from measurement of oxygen isotope ratios from the GISP (Greenland Ice Core Project) Greenland Ice Core. Tom Holsinger says: July 7, 2016 at 2:52 pm . Spread the love. Maverick archaeologist Graham Hancock insists that a highly evolved human civilisation was wiped out by a global catastrophe around 13,000 years ago. The sea-ice species of the Younger Dryas period were very rapidly replaced by warm Atlantic species at the Younger Dryas–Holocene transition. 2007), although other possible ro… So what have the scientists discovered? Even the sceptic Michael Shermer, who famously debated Graham Hancock on the Joe Rogan podcast has tweeted Graham saying: “Ok Graham, I shall adjust my priors in light of more research like this, and modify my credence about your theory.”, Kudos to @michaelshermer for reconsidering his skepticism in the light of this new evidence —– summarized here: cities off the coast of India have been discovered, Socialism, Indulgences and Why Protestants Can Not Be Democrats, Conservatives Are Not Nazi’s. Blueprint for the Next Age: Where do we go from here? Logic dictates that we would have become civilized much earlier, and then some catastrophic event caused us to regress. All places that would not have been above water when conventional science says civilization began. These 1200 years mark the transition out of the last great ice age. The Younger Dryas event gets its name from a wildflower called Dryas octopetala, which can tolerate extremely cold conditions, which became common in many parts of Europe around 12,800 years ago. The evidence is there in the field and it continues to stack up. Coronavirus is destroying modern civilization and the deplorable Graham Hancock is silent and thinking about the Younger Dryas! Geochemical evidence from ocean sediment cores supports this idea (Carlson et al. Conjuring Up a Lost Civilization: An Analysis of the Claims Made by Graham Hancock in Magicians of the Gods March 31, 2019; A response to Napier and Howard and the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis September 20, 2017; Conjuring Up a Lost Civilization: updating the debate with Graham Hancock September 19, 2017 Much like the Bimini Road, the Yonaguni Monument is argued by many scientists to be a naturally occurring structure based entirely on the notion that it couldn’t have been built by a civilization because the last time it was above water was 10,000 years ago and there is no evidence of civilizations then. At the very least, the impact hypothesis needs … Graham Hancock and others such as Randall Carlson have long said that it was likely a fragmented comet, and that is what the scientists are saying who are analysing the Syrian finds. Causes-Megafauna-Civilization At the height of the Roman Empire, Roman citizens enjoyed air conditioned and heated homes, Running water, toilets and power tools. All images are taken from Google Images and the below sources for educational purposes only.…, I love this language from Michael Shermer: “I shall adjust my priors… and modify my credence”. Some scientists believe this was caused when the North American ice sheet receded past the St Laurence river causing all of the fresh water melt from the glaciers to flow up the St Laurence into the North Atlantic disrupting the Gulf Stream (previously, the melt water would have been flowing down the Mississippi into the Gulf of Mexico.). What caused the beginning and ending of the Younger Dryas has long been a point of contention, and the debate heated up when a “comet theory” or “impact hypothesis” was proposed in the 2000s. But could Clovis, or anybody living on Earth 10,500 years ago be advanced? Many people believe that the Clovis people were of European descent and that they travelled to North America during the end of the last great Ice Age. After 10,000 years (the show claims) all that would be left of our civilization would be things carved in stone (like Mt Rushmore, or the Pyramids). What evidence do they have to make that assumption? We did not have indoor plumbing and toilets again until the mid 1800’s. It is weatherproof and dishwasher safe. In a month’s time, Graham Hancock will release his new book, America Before, which attempts to document what he claims to be evidence for a lost civilization that was destroyed when a comet collided with North America at the start of the Younger Dryas period about 12,900 years ago and triggered horrific wildfires that burned much of the continent. We invite you to participate in this journey as we map the forgotten landscapes of the human experience and present information which rewrites the history of the human species all together. The evidence always spoke for itself for a lot of people, but it’s positive to see him address Graham in a public manner like this. Though avoiding any mention of lost civilization, the researchers concede that, in the Younger Dryas, even human populations may have been affected by cosmic impacts, albeit indirectly. The Younger Dryas Event is what caused a large megafaunal extinction, seeing the end of woolly mammoths, species of bison, American horses and camels, and giant sloths. With that in mind, it seems illogical to think that civilization, and all the advancements that come with it would have only evolved in the last 5,000 years. Of the cost of the Bahama Islands lies a strange series of rocks known as the Bimini Road. Again, it might have been caused by the Taurid meteor stream, although this time the general view is that we collided with a swarm of comet debris, rather than a single object. Using data from the Greenland ice cores, scientists have discovered that the founding of Göbekli Tepe coincides with the end of the last of the ice ages (the Younger Dryas, c. 9600 BC), which was marked by an unusually sudden and inexplicable warming. But was the abrupt change in Earth’s climate caused by a phenomenon from Earth, or did the culprit arrive from outer space? Scientists have hypothesized that, just prior to the Younger Dryas, meltwater fluxes were rerouted from the Mississippi River to the St. Lawrence River. This would place the sinking of Atlantis around the same time as the end of the Younger Dryas event. About 15,000 years ago (13,000 BCE), the last great Ice Age came to an end. We are independent media, totally supported by you. Why? The Younger Dryas was an earth period that began roughly 12800 years ago and finished 11600 years ago. It was a period where the earth as a very different place. It is generally believed that the Younger Dryas period coincides with the end of the last ice age. Younger Dryas spikes in platinum have also been found in Greenland, Eurasia, North America, Mexico and recently also at Pilauco in Chile. This is a video post. The Younger Dryas Event is what caused a large megafaunal extinction, seeing the end of woolly mammoths, species of bison, American horses and camels, and giant sloths. Remnants of this civilization are allegedly responsible for pyramid building technology around the world and the myths of Atlantis. […] that would place this objects creation to before the end of the last ice age. After the fall of Rome around 500 CE, it took our civilization over 1,000 years to advance to what the Romans had. Two years ago we read about reports of a 19-mile wide crater in Greenland that could be related to this cataclysmic event and in October 2019, a study was published that said there was a mini ice age 12,800 years ago that was caused by an impact event. In North America, for example, a dramatic termination of the … Steve Garcia says: July 8, 2016 at 10:40 pm. Most scientist dismiss these rocks as being natural formations., — Graham Hancock (@Graham__Hancock) March 11, 2020. Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization (Video) 06/10/2020 By Stillness in the Storm Leave a Comment. Two years ago we read about reports of a 19-mile wide crater in Greenland that could be related to this … The Younger Dryas Event is what caused a large megafaunal extinction, seeing the end of woolly mammoths, species of bison, American horses and camels, and giant sloths. This is really only common during impact events. Cumulative evidence points towards … The Younger Dryas event was a sudden cooling of the earth around 13,000 BC which was associated with initial massive inundation and terminated equally suddenly with a rapid rise in temrperatures, and ... How Meteorites Have Affected Human Civilization with Werner Herzog UofSC archaeologist and lead author Christopher Moore believes an impact of a platinum-rich asteroid likely caused both the Younger-Dryas event and the end of Clovis civilization: […] the most likely source of such platinum enrichment was from the impact of an extraterrestrial object. Rome fell due to over expansion and poor management by lousy leaders. This near-glacial period is called the Younger Dryas, named after a flower (Dryas octopetala) that grows in cold conditions and that became common in Europe during this time. The first one (12,900 years ago) caused huge fires worldwide, throwing dust and ash into the air which halted and reversed the warming which was starting just before the Younger Dryas. All of these cities were last above water around 10,000 years ago. Recently, several cities off the coast of India have been discovered. If we look at the data from Antarctica, whether it is from Dome-C or from Vostok, they both tell the same story; the last ice age ended around 12,000 years ago. Any costal civilizations, would have been in areas now underwater. During this time, the North American, or Laurentide, ice sheet was rapidly melting and adding freshwater to the ocean. The evidence is there in the field and it continues to stack up. Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization (Video) 06/10/2020 By Stillness in the Storm Leave a Comment Filed Under: News Tagged With: ancient architects , ancient civilization , comet , dryas , history , video That would mean that we had the capacity to do everything we do now for 1 million years, but only did it in the last 0.005% of the time that we have been able to do it. The show basically described the weathering of our technology, and how it would fall apart. The problem with relating any hypothesized Younger Dryas impact event with either sea level rise or terrestrial megafloods is that the major meltwater pulses and associated rapid rises in sea level occurred either long before or after the start of the Younger Dryas. The evidence is there in the field and it continues to stack up. We have new direct evidence of the disaster, together with tons of data from around the world. 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