They tried their level best to send the white man away. From the gunshot wound on his back, red scars on his neck and his U. Sadao hesitated again. Being a doctor, his first duty was to save a life.3. Being a patriot, he declared every thing to the General. “Strange,” he thought. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. alen5486 alen5486 02.09.2019 English Secondary School answered Who was the wounded man? Hana, his wife though initially reluctant joins her husband in operating and nursing the enemy soldier back to health.4. You see how foolish his face is. (You can unsubscribe anytime), And behold, a lawyer stood up to put Him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? Since Japan was at war with America, harbouring an enemy meant being a traitor to Japan. It was his habit to murmur to the patient when he forgot himself in an operation. Our neighbor at any given moment might be our best friend or our biggest enemy. But sometimes she remembered such men as General Takima, who at home beat his wife cruelly, though no one mentioned it now that he had fought so victorious a battle in Manchuria. Sadao made a point to Hana for saving his enemy’s life as he was wounded badly and brought him to their house. He and his men were later surrounded by the enemy while restoring a bridge. If anyone complained against Dr Sadao and accused him of harbouring an enemy, he could be arrested. Who was the wounded man? All Americans are my enemy. “My friend,” he always called his patients and so now he did, forgetting that this was his enemy. He saved his life even though it was for the time being. He rises above narrow prejudices and realises his duty as a doctor. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Question 6. Sadao had been a victim in America, of (a) racial prejudice (b) unruly mob (c) impartial teachers (d) unfriendly classmates. Are our hearts changed towards those who are helpful, even if before we didn’t like them? Is There Enough Oil (Faith) in Your Lamp (Life). This was the casualty evacuation helicopter, or “dustoff,” which could whisk a wounded man to a well-equipped aid station within minutes, and from there to a base hospital within a few hours. We need help. Along comes the “Samaritan,” our “enemy”—maybe it’s the person who has wronged us, or the unpopular/uncool person, or the person whose beliefs are a little different than ours. Was his pride wounded because people passed him by and he was now being treated by his enemy? Practicing these The Enemy Class 12 English MCQs Questions with Answers really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts. However, what it requires first are eyes to are able to see those who are in need, and a heart that pushes us to run toward them, whomever they may be. The innkeeper is the priest, the one who was administering the inn. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Tom / The American appears in, ...present, Sadao and Hana suddenly notice “something black” in the mist and realize it’s a, When they reach the beach, Sadao realizes, After a moment, Hana says they need to put, ...tell the servants; Hana says they “must” tell the servants that they’re only bringing, ...Yumi, the servant who tends to the children, should be the one to wash, ...leaves the room, and Hana follows, not wanting “to be left alone with,,” Sadao simply says, “Yes, it is ruined.” He instructs his wife to give, ...her how to administer the anesthetic. However, he is wounded and must be taken into the house. It is an injured American army man (sailor) washes up on the beach near the Dr Sadao's house. And he offered his treasure. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis is the Proistamenos of St. John Greek Orthodox Church in Tampa, FL. As a doctor, he was trained to save a human being’s life as far as he could. His house was located on the sea-coast where he had spent his childhood. But his trained hands seemed of their own will to be doing what they could to stanch the fearful bleeding. “I wondered, Your Excellency,” Sadao murmured. We feel beaten down by the world, wounded in our souls, anxious and uncertain, and overall uncomfortable. […]. It is the person at the desk next to us at work, the person in the car next to us on the road, the person next to us in the pew at church. Stavros began the Prayer Team Ministry, a daily reflection, in February 2015. They won’t reach out to God or to the Church because they have been wounded by spiritual disappointment. When it was all over and he was healed, did he look at Samaritans differently? Our neighbor may be the person who needs help, or the person from whom we need help. Answer: Dr. Sadao and Hana found an unconscious, wounded prisoner of war who posed a great threat to their own survival. As the American, Tom, recovered from his wound, he was weak and trusted Sadao to save his life. However, Sadao was also concerned for his safety, and asked Tom to leave at his earliest. Copyright 2005 - 2019 PrayerTeam365-Father Stavros Akrotirianakis | All Rights Reserved | Powered by, First Gospel—The Good Samaritan and the Wounded Man, on First Gospel—The Good Samaritan and the Wounded Man. But he is also a responsible and patriotic citizen of his … We sit at the roadside, hoping for some help. Now he remembered the youthful, haggard face of his prisoner—white and repulsive. “The strange thing is,” he said, “that if the man were whole I could turn him over to the police without difficulty. The oil and wine used to heal the wounds of the man who had been robbed represent Holy Unction and Holy Communion, the two sacraments in our Church that we use for healing. Dr Sadao could be arrested if anyone complained against him and accused him of harbouring an enemy. But from this person?! In fact, all the servants in the house were critical of Dr. Sadao’s sheltering the enemy. The Bible story does not answer these questions for us. He is unable to throw him back into sea though he was his enemy. The Good Samaritan might actually be called “the good steward,” because he embodied the three branches of stewardship—he offered his time, his talent, and his treasure to see that a wounded man could be healed. I care nothing for him. Dr Sadao and Hana found an unconscious wounded war prisoner who posed a huge threat to their own safety. Ans. Since Japan was at war with America, harbouring an enemy meant being a traitor to Japan. In fact, I do not know why I am doing it.”. Answer : Dr Sadao gives priority to his professional ethics over his patriotism and uses his surgical skills to save the life of a wounded man even though he belonged to the enemy’s camp. Sadao sighs that if the man were not wounded, he could turn him over immediately. “The best ones have been trained by Germans and would consider the operation successful even if I died.”, “That prisoner,” he said with some energy, “did I not promise you I would kill him for you?”, “Well, well!” the old man said in a tone of amazement, “so I did! His arms were hanging around as if he was malnourished and he looked like a fowl that had been starved for a long time. Q3. A Samaritan stops by and helps the man, pouring oil and wine on his wounds. “You say you think I can stand one more such attack as I have had today?”“Not more than one,” Sadao said. (Kathisma). Think about how that man on the side of the road felt when the Samaritan helped him. They've scanned Sector 21505 and found no sign of the Phoenix. Though half heartedly, both … The wounded man was a prisoner of war who had escaped with a bullet on his back. The Physician and Help of the suffering, the Redeemer and Savior of the sick, Master and Lord of all, grant healing to Your ailing servants; have compassion and mercy, on those, who have grievously sinned, and deliver them, O Christ, from their iniquities, that they may glorify Your Divine power. Yet, when we consider which person in the story we most relate to, for many of us it is that man on the side of the road. Our, "Sooo much more helpful than SparkNotes. Hana, wife of Dr Sadao, washed the wounds of the American prisoner of war herself because the domestic servants refused to do it as he was from an enemy country. The hermit saw a bearded man running and his hands on his stomach. Watching him, she wondered if the stories they heard sometimes of the sufferings of prisoners were true. So, he rescued him to give medical treatment. The wounded man was (b) enemy of the tsar. “The strange thing is,” he said, “that if the man were whole I could turn him over to the police without difficulty. There are also people who refuse to accept help. But you see, I was suffering a good deal. This is where we are to go when we are hurt and wounded by the world. “You cannot be arrested,” the General said, closing his eyes. He offered his time, by spending a day and a night with a wounded man. We all get turns as the priest and Levite, too. 1. Lucas Majozi DCM was a stretch-bearer during the Second World War, who received a Distinguished Conduct Medal for his bravery during the Second Battle of El Alamein.This being the highest medal received by a black person during that war, Majozi is one of the few soldiers who were recognised. 20. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. The truth is, I thought of nothing but myself. Sadao hesitated again. Hana does the housework alone.5. “None I trust,” the General replied. Some may not even see that they need help or that others are capable and willing to help. Seeing the wounded enemy Dr Sadao is in a dilemma to leave the American man to die, to throw him back into the sea, to hand him over to the police or to save his life. Teachers and parents! How does the writer indicate that Dr Sadao’s father was a very traditional and conventional man? ...tosses and turns all night, wondering if the assassins will come. Dr Sadao could be arrested if anyone complained against him and accused him of harbouring an enemy. But since he is wounded…”. You see how foolish his face is. Since Japan and America were at war, he would become a traitor to Japan for harbouring an enemy. Why did he turn the king's enemy 1 See answer alen5486 is … Sadao performed the operation. And he is only a common fellow. “What shall we do with this man?” Sadao muttered. One Vietnam infantry veteran told me: “The troops in my own unit always felt that if we were not killed outright if we were hit, the odds of surviving were in our favor. Spencer also confirms that it is the same man that was with him when he brought the casualty in from no man's land. The man was so resigned to dying that he did not even raise his rifle. Meanwhile, Sadao fills a vial with liquid and stabs it into, Later, Hana anxiously tells Sadao that the servants have threatened to quit if, ...impulse is “not sentimental liking of the prisoner.” Even the other day, when, uniform arrives, sending Hana into a panic—the servants must have told the authorities about, After treating the General, Sadao confides in him about. When we are wounded, we are aided in being able to call on others for help and trusting they will come to our aid and help us. The man, however, asks Jesus; “Who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29) Then Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan. Was he angry and resentful, still hating the man who was helping him? Question 1. We all know people who need help, “our own people”, our family, and our friends. “The best thing that we could do would be to put him back in the sea,” Sadao said, answering himself. The Good Samaritan might actually be called “the good steward,” because he embodied the three branches of stewardship—he offered his time, his talent, and his treasure to see that a wounded man could be healed. The definition of neighbor is “the one who lives next to us.” When we are at home, the neighbor is the person in the house or the apartment next door. His wife helped him. How often do we pass people by, even the people we like?, Sadao talks to his “friend,” “forgetting that this was his enemy.” Suddenly, ...stop administering anesthetic. They all left the doctor’s house. Answer. And when we are wounded, we must put away stubborn pride and accept the needed healing, even if it isn’t convenient or being offered by a friend. There is one other category that needs to be mentioned, those who will not accept the help of God. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. Now that the bleeding was stopped for a moment he stood up and dusted the sand from his hands. And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’ Which of these three, do you think, proved neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed mercy on him.” And Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”. In his dream, the man moaned but Sadao paid no heed except to mutter at him. “Yes, undoubtedly that would be best,” Hana said steadily. The man knows the two great commandments, to love God and to love our neighbor. Explanation: When the king was about to return to his palace from the filed of Hermit, suddenly they spotted a wounded man rushing towards them. However, at all times, our neighbor is whoever is in closest proximity to us. … But she continued to stare down at the motionless man. “But you understand it was not lack of patriotism or dereliction of duty.” He looked anxiously at his doctor. There is still more that we can take away from this chapter. MCQ Questions for Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 4 The Enemy with Answers . This would be against medical ethics. Struggling with distance learning? We now have some mixed feelings. Dr. Sadao, a Japanese surgeon finds a wounded American soldier on the beach near his house.2. The surgeon in him instinctively inspires him to operate upon the dying soldier and save his life. And then we are crushed when they pass us by. Question 3. They tried their level best to send the white man away. They approached the wounded man, and Hana realised that it was a white man. And when help comes from a traditionally unwanted source, do we accept it, or refuse it? How do you read?” And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” And He said to him, “You have answered right; do this, and you will live.” But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. He packed the wound with the sea moss that strewed the beach. He applied sea moss to the wound, and the bleeding stopped. But since he is wounded…” They all left the doctor’s house. Google Images . The way the content is organized, Tom is a teenage American prisoner of war who was captured and tortured by the Japanese but somehow escaped. They are independent, or self-reliant, or too proud to accept help when it is offered. He opposed Dr. Sadao for treating his enemy. But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion, and went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; then he set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. “Then certainly I can allow nothing to happen to you,” the General said with anxiety. I care nothing for him. When he couldn’t give of his time, when the time had come where he needed to leave the inn, he still provided the means for the man to be healed, by offering two denarii to the innkeeper. Father whose chief concern was Sadao ’ s life as far as was. And learn all the servants in the sea moss to the General replied his small company scattering. 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