Journal of Conflict and Security Law 16 (2) pp. U.N. officials who commit different kinds of criminal offenses during peacekeeping missions are rarely held accountable for their actions because of the fact that they, “are granted immunity from criminal prosecution by the host State by a plethora of legal instruments” as outlined above (Burke, 2011, p. 63). Status of Forces Deployed on UN Peacekeeping Operations: Jurisdictional Immunity. Nevertheless, the Secretary-General has the right to waive the jurisdictional immunity of U.N. civilian officials and allow for host state and third state jurisdiction (O’Brien, 2012). Criminal sanctions, however, are seldom levied. Defeis, E. (2008). Copyright © 2003-2019 The Beyond Intractability Project All of these factors create chaos and disorder that consequently facilitate misconduct. The MOU contains guidelines and codes of conduct for members of both military and civilian national personnel, “who remain in national service during their assignment of a UN peacekeeping operation” (Deen-Racsmany, 2011, p. 355). Third, the paper will outline remaining key issues and challenges based on the aforementioned evaluation. 2). Insofar as the prevention of crimes by UN peacekeepers (whether sexual offenses or otherwise) depends upon the levying of predictable and consistent sanctions, then the current system of functional immunity and MoUs – which necessarily involve a great deal of latitude in punishing wrongdoing – is a serious challenge. The investigation eventually found “serious problems of sexual exploitation and abuse in the mission” (Ndulo, 2009, p. 142). As previously mentioned, the sets of rules governing disciplinary measures with respect to sexual abuse and exploitation are formally expressed in the 2003 Secretary General’s Bulletin on Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse and the MONUC Code of Conduct. The inevitable result of complacency and unimplemented strategies is impunity among peacekeepers” (Ferstman, 2013, p. 2). United Nations (United States) (AFP) - A 400-page UN report out Monday calls for the creation of a special international tribunal to judge peacekeepers … Victim assistance has also moved significantly up the agenda in terms of SEA, featuring strongly in the High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) report (2015), the Global Study on the Implementation of UN Resolution 1325 (2015), and Resolution 2272, and resulting in the appointment of Jane Connors as the first Victims’ Rights Advocate for the UN. While it represents an important step forward in facilitating accountability for SEA offenses, it is also constrained by the facts that the repatriation practices it requests are likely infeasible, and because the resolution “largely accepts the existing political and legal constraints that compromise peacekeepers’ accountability. No clear legal framework on accountability for crimes committed by UN peacekeepers during peacekeeping missions. In January 2016, Human Rights Watch documented eight cases of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeepers in the Central African Republic, including rape and gang rape. Finally, even “softer” (non-carceral) punishment can potentially play an important role in prevention. Sexual abuse by U.N. peacekeepers in the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) caused a major public outcry in 2004, which led to an investigation by the United Nations Office of Oversight Services (OIOS). In addition, the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between the U.N. and the host state, negotiated in accordance with Article 43 of the United Nations Charter, defines the status, codes of conduct, privileges and jurisdictional immunities of military and civilian personnel and grants exclusive jurisdiction to the troop-contributing country over military personnel (Ndulo, 2009, p. 154). What used to be complicity by the UN by turning a blind eye has grown into a one-eyed monster, blatantly impeding proper investigations and prosecution of crimes committed by peacekeepers. UCB580, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80309, USAContact Form, A Introduction to a five-part strategy for overcoming the conflict problems that are preventing us from building a society in which we would all like to live. The extent to which TCCs take seriously their obligation to hold their soldiers accountable varies: some TCCs are active about investigating, repatriating, trying, and punishing their soldiers, while others effectively turn a blind eye. A typical U.N. peacekeeping operation consists of several different types of personnel:  U.N. staff, experts, U.N. civilian police, U.N. military observers, members of national military contingents and U.N. volunteers. As it is often the case in conflict-torn countries, judicial systems are frequently either ill-functioning or completely non-existent. E-IR is an independent non-profit publisher run by an all volunteer team. UN peacekeepers have long been the best chance for peace for some of the world’s most vulnerable people. While it is unlikely that troop-contributing countries would be willing to cede their jurisdiction over their nationals accused of criminal offenses, “the U.N.’s position that TCCs alone are responsible for discipline of military peacekeepers, and that it is powerless to intervene, is no longer acceptable” (Defeis, 2008, p. 214). Put simply, if immunity effectively becomes impunity, then an important aspect of prevention – namely the “stick” that discourages people from behaving in immoral, criminal, or otherwise prohibited ways – is essentially removed. First, it will provide an up-to-date review of the current status of U.N. accountability mechanisms within the legal and regulatory frameworks for conduct and accountability of peacekeeping forces. Impunity in turn is both a result, and a perversion, of the immunity that UN peacekeepers are granted while in UN service. All content on the website (with the exception of images) is published under the following Creative Commons License, Copyright © — E-International Relations. 63-104. United Nations Foundation, (2012). Cornell      Law     Faculty Publications. The resolution places the responsibility to protect women and girls from gender-based violence during situations of armed conflict on all parties to the conflict and introduces a number of important operational mandates for Member States and the different entities within the U.N. system. With the increase of peacekeeping operations particularly after the end of the Cold War, growing numbers of peacekeeping officers have been accused of engaging in serious criminal offenses such as sexual abuse, sex-trafficking, soliciting prostitutes, sexually abusing minors and forcing children into prostitution. Last, but not least, perhaps the most significant step in addressing the sexual abuse problem is increased recognition of the importance of women’s role in peace processes, along with the importance of incorporating female perspectives in the general U.N. peace and security framework. As the international community gradually grew aware of the magnitude of the problem, sexual violence and exploitation committed by peacekeeping forces on local populations, together with … This paper will examine the problem of sexual exploitation in U.N. peacekeeping with three specific intents. The procedural issue of prosecuting peacekeepers is investigated in order to establish whether civilian UN staff), it is usually not possible for the host state to undertake investigation and prosecution. If the perception – and in the majority of cases, the reality – is that harmful or criminal actions do not have meaningful consequences for the perpetrators, can the UN prevent crimes permitted by peacekeepers? Considering the limited success of prosecutions undertaken by national governments to date, there is a growing body of literture proposing alternative steps and recommendations that could be taken in order to successfully tackle the problem of sexual exploitation by UN personnel. While legal scholarship in recent years has focused on how to reform UN accountability, particularly in relation to the Haiti cholera claims, there have been fewer proposals on how to address crimes committed by UN peacekeepers. Indeed, even should the Secretary-General exercise his authority to repatriate units, the peacekeepers concerned are still subject only to their home country’s authority, not to the host country. Ndulo asserts that “[a] major drawback of the Bulletin is the fact that it is not legally binding on uniformed personnel, as they fall under the jurisdiction of their own governments. A free, open, online seminar exploring new approaches for addressing difficult and intractable conflicts. The Amended UN Model Memorandum of Understanding: A New Incentive for States to Discipline and Prosecute Military Members of National Peacekeeping Contingents? An Assessment of UN Efforts to Address Sexual Misconduct by        Peacekeeping Personnel. One such recommendation is that the host state should be given priority in exercising jurisdiction over instances of alleged sexual misconduct, considering the fact that, in most cases, witnesses and evidence necessary for the trial are more easily accessible in the country where the offense has taken place. Peacekeeping missions operate in climates of armed Nobody, not even the UN, disputes the fact that its peacekeepers brought cholera to Haiti after a powerful 2010 earthquake. Content may not be reproduced without prior written permission. message sent to the victims is that peacekeepers are above the law. Rape is the most commonly committed crime by peacekeepers, but is usually considered as an isolated act. Many thanks! Waiving immunity in a peacekeeping context primarily means that the host state will be able to investigate, prosecute, and eventually punish the peacekeeper concerned, but it could also entail some form of shared jurisdiction with the peacekeeper’s home country. According to estimates cited … The Election, COVID, Racism, and the Constructive Conflict Initiative, Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies,,           Criminalizing%20Sexual%20Exploitation%20and%20Abuse%20by%20Peacekeepers.pdf,          needs-more-female-peacekeepers.html,           up,             10year_impact _study_1325.pdf,, A Guide to More Constructive Approaches to Intractable Conflict, The King Soopers Shooting: This Time It Was Personal, Saving Democracy and Biden’s Challenge to the Conflict and Peacebuilding Fields – Part 2. Missions have operated with a generous interpretation of what counts as “official duties” in a peacekeeping context. UN peacekeepers are sent to some of the most war-ravaged countries on Earth, ostensibly to help them transition to peace. Consequently, a thorough analysis of the above-mentioned domains leads us to believe that a major problem in dealing with sexual offenses committed by U.N. personnel is that responsibility for prosecuting peacekeeping military personnel lies almost exclusively in the hands of the troop-contributing states. Yet the … These are just some of the many crimes committed by United Nations peacekeepers. As the international community gradually grew aware of the magnitude of the problem, sexual violence and exploitation committed by peacekeeping forces on local populations, together with the U.N. response to them, became central topics for discussion and analysis for many. The UN report also alleges French cooperation in counterterrorism operations in 2017 and 2018 with a Malian group believed to have committed war crimes and recruited child soldiers, the Imghad Tuareg Self-Defense Group and Allies, which goes by the French acronym Gatia. Read about (and contribute to) the Constructive Conflict Initiative and its associated Blog—our effort to assemble what we collectively know about how to move beyond our hyperpolarized politics and start solving society's problems. All the United Nations can do is send the officer back to his troop-contributing country (TCC), “but it cannot ensure the prosecution of that person once they have returned home” (Murphy, 2006, p.532). [3 November 2014]. Democracy is a system for wisely, equitably, and nonviolently managing conflicts between people with deep cultural differences who are also in continuing competition for scarce resources. She is @kmjennings on twitter. Therefore, a distinction has to be made regarding the In reality, the distinction between functional and full immunity for peacekeepers is overstated. UN Documents. The use of agents for procurement and management of brothels has allowed the military to believe itself shielded from the issue of sexual slavery and human trafficking. c/o the Conflict Information Consortium The UN peacekeepers are legally immune from criminal investigation by the UN through UN Charter, the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, and Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs). UN staff members are appointed by the Secretary-General and they have the status of officials under the Convention, section 18 of which provides that officials are immune in respect of acts committed by them in their official capacity (p.533). #mbi_cci. Importantly, functional immunity is, as the name implies, not full or absolute: it protects peacekeepers from legal process for acts they perform in their official capacity, but should not apply for acts undertaken outside of their official function. Finally, while peacekeepers face the theoretical possibility of prosecution in their home countries for crimes committed in peacekeeping sites, this is exceedingly rare. [10 February 2015]. Kathleen Jennings is a Senior Researcher at the Fafo Research Foundation in Oslo. For example, if a peacekeeper strikes and kills a pedestrian while on duty (driving to a meeting, conducting a patrol), they would be immune from prosecution; but if they strike and kill a pedestrian while driving home drunk from a nightclub or party, they should not be. O’Brien, M. (2012). Inquire about Affordable Reprint/Republication Rights. Ivanovic, A. But some stand accused of committing crimes … c/o Conflict Information Consortium 41 investigations are under way. In the 1996 UN study "The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children", former first lady of Mozambique Graça Machel documented: "In 6 out of 12 country studies on sexual exploitation of children in situations of armed conflict prepared for the present report, the arrival of peacekeeping troops has been associated with a rapid rise in child prostitution." Others propose amendments and revisions to the MOU signed between the U.N. and the troop-contributing country. Thus far, this limitation on immunity has been more theoretical than actual. All rights reserved. Peacekeeper immunity is important because it dovetails with issues of impunity and prevention. Unfortunately, there are cases of misconduct involving peacekeeping personnel. bandwidth bills to ensure we keep our existing titles free to view. Second,  it will look at recent remedial approaches and recommendations and assess the level of their successful implementation. Despite the U.N.’s efforts, “little appears to have changed: accountability remains the exception to the rule, new abuses continue to be reported, and the business of sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping continues. amount, in any currency, is appreciated. Feminist scholars have incisively identified many intersectional, critical, and multi-faceted explanations for the persistence of SEA offenses, but a common factor underpinning them is the actuality of impunity: the likelihood that wrongdoing in a peacekeeping setting, up to and including criminal offenses, will go unpunished (impunity is also a focus of campaigns to end conflict-related sexual violence writ large, not just that committed by peacekeepers). The simplest formulation is that UN international civilian peacekeepers, UN civilian police, military observers, and locally recruited, salaried staff enjoy functional immunity while on mission (the status of paramilitary formed police units, or FPUs, is less clear, although a UN group of legal experts includes FPUs in the same category as UN civilian police). For peacekeepers found or suspected to have committed a crime in-mission, the main punishment is administrative: they are suspended, investigated by internal oversight units, and potentially repatriated, demoted, or fired. 1)”, and requests the Secretary-General to repatriate all military or formed police units of TCCs that systematically fail their accountability obligations, from the country where the allegations have arisen (para. If peacekeepers see that the more robust measures contained in Resolution 2272 are being enforced, their perception of effective impunity will be dented, in turn prompting many to act differently. Typically, the environment in which the U.N. personnel operate is one where there are weak and ineffective judicial and law enforcement structures, a collapsed economy and corrupt institutions. Available from . She is also on the editorial team of the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. Host countries—with, if necessary, the support of the UN—would then be free to exercise subordinate jurisdiction over the crimes committed within their territory under the host state's domestic law. Your donations allow us to invest in new open access titles and pay our As Murphy points out, “[t]here seems to be little alternative to the present system whereby U.N. forces are prosecuted by their relevant national authorities” (2006, p. 542). Nevertheless, in an effort to demonstrate its commitment to its shift in policy in terms of engaging more females in peacekeeping operations, the U.N. deployed the first ever all-female peacekeeping force in Liberia in 2007. There was one highly publicised case where members of the UN peacekeeping force were accused of direct involvement in the procurement of sex slaves for a local brothel in Bosnia. As a result, it has been widely acknowledged that such allegations have proven extremely damaging to the image of the United Nations and have also threatened to seriously undermine the mandate of on-going and future U.N. peacekeeping missions. However, the troop-contributing country will not be able to prosecute offenders if its laws do not allow for the exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction of crimes committed by its nationals on a foreign territory. To that extent, the resolution falls well short of the transformative changes sought by many advocates of stronger justice for victims (Whalan 2017: 3)”, such as the aforementioned special courts mechanism. However, even though the relevant policies and standards of behavior have been successfully established, the same does not apply to their enforcement. The two documents prohibit U.N. forces from engaging in acts of sexual exploitation and abuse. For UN staff committing serious crimes, the Secretary-General can waive immunity and have them tried in the host country where the crime allegedly occurred, but peacekeeping often takes place in countries with failed judicial systems. International Peacekeeping, 13:4, 531-546. In a similar note, Deen-Racsmany contends that “the SOFA provision on the exclusive criminal jurisdiction of the sending state over military members of national contingents (MMsNCs) constitutes a major obstacle in the way of ensuring the accountability of this category of persons for crimes and serious misconduct committed in peacekeeping operations” (2011, p. 350). Knowledge Base. United Nations (UN) peacekeepers have been accused of offences 1 that under specific circumstances could be characterized as war crimes or crimes against humanity. Thus far, however, member states have been unwilling to coalesce on tougher measures to levy accountability for crimes committed on UN missions. Guidelines for Using Beyond Intractability resources. Consider a low-cost BI-based custom text. According to the Zeid report, however, even though the SOFA requires the Secretary-General to “obtain formal assurances from a TCC that it would exercise jurisdiction with respect to crimes [or offenses] committed (...)  in the mission area, in practice these assurances have not been requested” (qtd. The report calls on “a more concerted and robust response from national and international actors” in the fight against gender-based violence as it still remains highly prevalent (United Nations, 2010, p. 10). Such abuses have the potential to undermine and even delegitimise the work of the UN, yet they regularly go undetected or unpunished. 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