Asajj Ventress | Pong Krell | R3-S6 | Director Krennic | Beilert Valance | Moff Gideon | 0-0-0 | Morley | [11] When facing his death, Pryde ultimately lost his cool composition, giving in to anger and fear when faced with his last defeat. COMPNOR | Type of Villain Partages31 Facebook Twitter. [11], As a First Order officer, Enric Pryde was a calm yet highly intelligent and ruthless general. Hair color Crimson Dawn | TJ 55 | Allegiant General Enric Pryde is the secondary antagonist of the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker, the final installment of the sequel trilogy. General Hux later discussed the mission to Pasaana with Allegiant General Pryde, noting that the First Order had experienced considerable losses under the command of the Knights of Ren. General Kalani | Captain Phasma | Count Dooku Holding back onslaughts of Sith troopers, Finn and Jannah successfully destroyed the Steadfast by turning its turbolasers against the ship itself, corresponding with the final demise of Emperor Palpatine at the hands of Rey. MagnaGuards | New Photos from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! Creating legions of First Order Stormtroopers. Admiral Ozzel | There are now 229,517 members. Destroy the Resistance organization at all costs and assure the First Order's control and power upon the entire galaxy. Sith Eternal | General Domaric Quinn expressed skepticism of the cult, dismissing them as soothsayers and conjurers, but Pryde supported the First Order's alliance with the Sith Eternal, noting that the Final Order would increase their resources ten thousandfold before snidely remarking that it would "correct the error" of Starkiller Base while glaring at General Hux. As the First Order rises to power after the Battle of Crait under Kylo Ren's leadership following the death of Supreme Leader Snoke, Pryde works alongside General Hux to create countless legions of First Order Stormtroopers to take over the galaxy. Allegiant General Pryde Enric Pryde Bo-Katan Kryze | Mother Talzin | Kylo eventually learns that Palpatine actually revived himself following his defeat at Endor and is now taking refuge in the planet Exegol, where he has created a Sith cult called the Sith Eternal and a massive fleet of Xyston-class Star Destroyers, the Final Order, that can destroy planets at will. Emperor's Royal Guard | Tobias Beckett | He holds the rank of Allegiant General within the First Order, and later serves as the resurrected Emperor Palpatine's right-hand man, as well as commanding officer of the Sith Eternal's fleet, the Final Order. Pryde longed to return to the "High Human" culture that flourished under the Galactic Empire. Star Wars The Old Republic Villains, Vast resources and control over the First Order. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [1], During the Imperial Era, Enric Pryde served in the Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire. Moff Jerjerrod | Members: Other Officials and Operatives: He was posted on the Star Destroyer Steadfast from 6 BBY. After learning from a fellow officer that the Resistance was targeting the navigation tower on Exegol, Pryde had the source of the navigation signal needed for the Sith fleet to deploy from Exegol switched to the Steadfast, declaring that they would guide the fleet out themselves. Poggle the Lesser | Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker. Purge Troopers | Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico. One year following Snoke's death, Pryde was informed of the return of Palpatine, who was thought to be seemingly killed by Darth Vader during the Battle of Endor. Barada | Commandant Aresko | Supreme Leader Kylo Ren | Graxol Kelvyyn | TV-94 | IG-11 | A native of the planet Alsakan, Pryde was raised under the reign of the Galactic Empire. Daultay Dofine | [1], Unlike his First Order allies, Pryde displayed a tolerance for mysticism but refused to voice his opinions. [Pryde takes one of the Stormtrooper’s weapons, blasts Hux and kills him] [Grunts] [1], In the year after the Battle of Crait, a mysterious broadcast with the voice of the late Emperor Palpatine swept out across the galaxy. In the last days of the conflict, Pryde was appointed as the commanding officer of the Final Ordera fleet of Xyston-class Star Destroyersby the reborn Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious. Military Leaders: Admiral Trench | Star Wars Legends Villains | Commerce Guild | Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker Without the Steadfast, the Sith warships were unable to leave Exegol, resulting in the Final Order's destruction by the Resistance navy and their allies. Agent Kallus | Bec Lawise | Joonas Suotamo as Chewbacca. Supreme Leader Snoke | Members: Pryde was further baffled when another fleet comprised of thousands of ships arrived to reinforce the Resistance, wanting to know where such a vast amount of ships had come from, given that the Resistance had no navy. Gender When Hux expressed his opinion that Ren had gone mad due prioritizing a ghost's chase over the burning rebellion flames across the galaxy, Pryde reminded Hux that there was someone behind the message and that Ren would answer to no one. Enric Pryde arose to be an Allegiant General and a member of the Supreme Council in the First Order. Pryde viewed the Starkiller Base superweapon as an "error", as the resources used in its construction and subsequently lost when it was blown up by the Resistance had made it difficult for the First Order to maintain a firm hold on the galaxy, and saw the offer of the Sith Destroyer fleet as a means of correcting that error. Death Watch | Bounty Hunters Pryde favorably remembered the spectacle that was the Empire Day parades. Shu Mai | Sometime later, Emperor Palpatine discussed this turn of events with Allegiant General Pryde over a hologram. Lupita Nyong'o as Maz Kanata. Skin color Commander Versio | Dengar | Jabba the Hutt | InterGalactic Banking Clan | Moff Raythe | Allegiant General Pryde. AD-W4 | Destroy the Resistance organization at all costs and assure the First Order's control and power upon the entire galaxy.Destroy many planets with Emperor Palpatine's Sith Star DestroyersWipe out the Resistance to take over the galaxy (all failed). Wat Tambor | The Ninth Sister | Commander Cody | [4] To get the role of Pryde, Grant had to audition by acting out scenes from "a forties British war film," and a few months later, he was taken to Pinewood Studios to meet director J.J. Abrams, who told him he got the role. Pryde viewed the arcane behavior of the Sith Eternal as by-products of a thirst for power. Naomi Ackie as Jannah. Grand Admiral Sloane | Pryde is seen ordering his troops to fire against the Resistance forces; though the Sith Eternal forces had the upper hand at first, the tables have turned when the Resistance bring a massive fleet (led by the Rebel Alliance veteran Lando Calrissian). Rish Loo | [Source]. The Emperor ordered the Allegiant General to come to him on Exegol, and Pryde pledged himself to the Emperor, recalling to the Emperor that he had served him during the[4] Old Wars,[11] and now would do so again. Leaders: Maul | The Emperor commanded Allegiant General Enric Pryde to oversee the Final Order's deployment from Exegol. Leaders: It later turns out that Palpatine was behind the creation of the First Order as he created Snoke as a figurehead to convert Kylo to the dark side, and that Pryde himself knew about the true origins of the First Order because he used to serve for Palpatine when he was young during the Galactic Civil War. Carise Sindian | Occupation Morgan Elsbeth | Vizam | laissez un commentaire Annuler la réponse. Sometime after the rise of Snoke as Supreme Leader of the First Order, Snoke gave Pryde command of a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, which was named the "Steadfast" by Pryde in honor of the Star Destroyer he served aboard during the days of the Galactic Empire. Velken Tezeri | Osi Sobeck | Light[4] Captain Sabrond | [4], After discovering that the Resistance was operating on Pasaana, Kylo Ren ordered Allegiant General Pryde to notify their local forces on Pasaana of the Resistance's presence. TA-175 | Embo | Admiral Piett | Merrin | Governor Pryce | A Resistance attack soon launched, hoping to prevent the Sith fleet from sowing chaos across the galaxy. Pryde was left as one of the most senior officers in the First Order High Command and commanded reserve forces. D&D Beyond General Grievous | Unkar Plutt | LEGO set database: Star Wars . The Supreme Leader became aware that he required a Sith wayfinder to do so, leading Ren to go, accompanied by Pryde and Hux, to the volcanic planet of Mustafar, once ruled by Vader from his personal stronghold, Fortress Vader. Leaders: Mother Talzin Characters of Star Wars: The High Republic, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Imperial Navy officers of the Galactic Empire, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel. Garnac | Droidekas | Nix Card | On the other hand, Grant based out his performance as Pryde on the legendary Peter Cushing's portrayal as, Pryde never interacted with Rey alongside General Hux and, Following after his master's death, as well as. TF-1726 | Zillo Beast, See Also The Client | Pyke Syndicate | Affiliation(s) [1], Pryde is a character who first appeared in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the third and final installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Darth Vader Pryde's declaration thus[4] cemented the alliance between the First Order and Sith cultists. Dryden Vos Acklays | San Hill | Tusken Raiders | Gleb | BB-9E | 27 BBY,[2] Alsakan[1] Tikkes | Other Officials and Operatives: Like other Imperial officers, Pryde joined the Empire's successor state, the First Order, longing to return to the High Human culture and civilization of his youth. Anthony Daniels as C-3PO. (to one of the officers) Get me the Supreme Leader. prénom * … 1.88 meters (6ft 2in)[1] [4], Enric Pryde was a human male[1] who had blue eyes, fair skin, and gray hair. Taron Malicos, Hutt Clan Agent Terex | Pryde was able to maintain a calm composure even when bewildered, such as when an allied fleet arrived to reinforce the Resistance at the battle at Exegol,[4] something he had no backup plan for. The Tenth Brother Hux presented their captured prisoner, Chewbacca, to Pryde, who ordered he be locked up in the detention block. [11], Ren eventually made his way to Fortress Vader and recovered Vader's wayfinder, which he used to track down the Emperor. After Kylo Ren turned back to the light side and became Ben Solo again, Palpatine usurps full control of the First Order from him, as Pryde swore his loyalty to the Sith Lord. 51 Darth Vader 52 C-3PO 53 R2-D2 54 Boba Fett Tiber Saxon He was also fanatically loyal to Emperor Palpatine, having served him back during the days of the old Galactic Empire, and followed his commands without question. General Veers | [12] The Emperor then informed the Allegiant General that he was sending him a Xyston-class Star Destroyer and ordered him to send it to a planet with ties to the Resistance. The Sixth Brother | [1] After the Resistance fighters escaped the Steadfast, Pryde was the first officer to identify General Hux's betrayal as the spy against the First Order and ruthlessly executed him on the spot without hesitation, showing no remorse for his actions. Vast resources and control over the First OrderMilitary trainingHigh intelligence, To get the role of Pryde, Richard E. Grant had to act scenes from "a 40s British war film" in his audition before he was notified months later that he had gotten the role. Soldiers: Mas Amedda | Affiliates: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. TX-20 | However, Pryde merely gave the order to reset the Steadfast's systems, which Finn caught on to. Ochi | Durge | While the mysticism of Snoke and Ren were foreign to him, as were the dark side rituals of Sith cultists, Pryde was interested in the material benefits they offered to the military. Site Statistics. Palpatine also senses that Rey (his granddaughter) is coming to Exegol to confront him while giving out the location to the Resistance, so he orders Pryde to await the Resistance fleet so that he can have their forces to wipe them all out. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel–class. Enric Pryde was a human male officer who held the military rank of Allegiant General in the First Order during the First Order/Resistance War. 501st Legion | Enric Pryde, now a veteran of the Imperial Military, joined the First Order,[1] a military junta[7] established by former Imperial officers, nobles, technologists,[8] and warlords[9] who had fled the known galaxy into the Unknown Regions after the Empire's defeat at Jakku. Deeming the Emperor's return as a potential threat to his rule, Ren diverted his attention from the Resistance and sought ways to track down the Emperor's whereabouts. Affiliates: ARMITAGE HUX: It was a coordinated incursion, Allegiant General. Jabba the Hutt | Occupying a position of power and privilege, Pryde was a high-ranking First Order officer who wielded authority over the ground and naval forces of the First Order military. Powers/Skills Keeper Agruss | As the fight ensued, Pryde asked Hux if he didn't like to see Ren fighting. Pryde was ordered by Palpatine to lead the Sith fleet into destroying planets at will, to which Pryde takes extreme delight. 4-LOM | Allegiant General Enric Pryde is the secondary antagonist of the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker, the final installment of the sequel trilogy. The Second Sister | ; 517 people have joined this week. Pryde knew far more about the machinations of Supreme Leader Snoke and the late Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious than his cohorts, which he used towards his advantage to cement his power. Nightbrothers, Sith and Other Dark Force-Users FN-2199 Faro Argyus | Separatist Council: Nute Gunray | He was portrayed by Richard E. Grant, who also played Barkis Bittern in Corpse Bride, the Great Intelligence in Doctor Who, Vic Van Wrinkle in Horrid Henry: The Movie, The Man With a Beard But No Hair in A Series of Unfortunate Events and Dr. Zander Rice in Logan. Ziro the Hutt, Other They overpowered the guards and forced me to take them to their ship. Ren | As such, his ideology was shaped by the principles of the New Order. Hobby Creating legions of First Order Stormtroopers.Antagonizing General Hux Destroy many planets with Emperor Palpatine's Sith Star DestroyersWipe out the Resistance to take over the galaxy (all failed). Geonosians | TX-21 | General Hux | Pryde recognized that he knew more about Emperor Palpatine and Snoke's machinations than most of his cohorts and used it to maintain his own power. Jango Fett | Soldiers: Pryde, however, perished when his command ship was destroyed by Resistance forces during the Battle of Exegol. Ponda Baba | There are 17,680 items in the Brickset database. Saw Gerrera | Darth Plagueis | General Pryde had the Star Destroyer sent to Kijimi, which it subsequently destroyed. Kylo Ren renounced the dark side after his mother, Princess Leia Organa, sacrificed herself to reach out to him during a duel with Rey on Kef Bir, assuming his identity as Ben Solo once more. 4A-7 | Dark Troopers Leaders: Darth Sidious | Species Inquisitorius: steve mac 22 avril 2020 Répondre. General Armitage Hux is Kylo Ren's rival and the general of the military forces of the First Order.He is a major antagonist of the Star Wars sequel trilogy and of the animated series Star Wars Resistance.. Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux. Crimes Whorm Loathsom Hondo Ohnaka | FIRST ORDER OFFICER: Yes, sir. When Finn and Jannah were successful in shutting down the transmitter, the Resistance prepared to depart the ship, having beaten back a multitude of Sith troopers. Imperial Officers: After Snoke's death, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren supported Pryde's career at the expense of his rival, General Armitage Hux. 35 ABY,[3] Steadfast, Exegol[4] Darth Bane | Rey would later use the powers of all the Jedi of the past to finally destroy Palpatine and his cultists, allowing the Resistance to destroy the remaining forces of the Sith Eternal. Upon arriving there, Ren and a stormtrooper squad engaged in a fight with the Alazmec of Winsit, a tenacious sect of Sith cultists devoted to protecting Corvax Fen and who venerated Vader as a deity of the dark side, while Pryde and Hux watched from a safe distance. Tactical Droids Pryde had legions of Sith troopers and Sith jet troopers deployed to repel any boarders and also ordered a bridge technician to jam the Resistance speeders, only to be informed that they were not using speeders; rather, to Pryde's astonishment, the Resistance mounted a cavalry charge on orbaks against the Sith troopers, causing a battle to break out on the ship's hull.[4]. Mar Tuuk | Soldiers: Born Knights of Ren, Nightsisters Allegiant General Pryde, who served Palpatine in the Empire, has now joined General Hux at the top of the military hierarchy. Homeworld Ziton Moj | Rune Haako | Sebulba | Cad Bane | Alias Highsinger | Greedo | Naare, First Order Admiral Motti | Chronological and political information Allegiant General Enric Pryde, from his Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast, pledged his loyalty to the Emperor he once served. Salacious B. Crumb | After the Resistance's mission to Kijimi, during which time Hux had helped Poe Dameron and Finn return to Millennium Falcon and escape the Steadfast, Hux reported to Pryde that the Resistance fighters had forced him to help them escape. Enric Pryde is a high-ranking military leader of the First Order, holding the rank of Allegiant General within the organization's armed forces. Battle Droids | Tal Merrik | Blue[4] Commander Pyre | 31 Allegiant General Pryde 32 Sith Trooper 33 D-O 34 General Hux 35 Babu Frik 36 Rose Tico 37 Klaud 38 Ushar 39 Cardo 40 Kuruk 41 Vicrul 42 Trudgen 43 Ap'lek 44 Snap Wexley 45 Kaydel Ko Connix 46 Maz Kanata 47 Wedge Antilles 48 Luke Skywalker 49 Han Solo 50 Princess Leia Organa. Zam Wesell | Male[1] The Eighth Brother | Elite Praetorian Guards | DJ | In the last days of the conflict, Pryde was appointed as the commanding officer of the Final Order—a fleet of Xyston-class Star Destroyers—by the reborn Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious. Commander Appo | As a member of the Supreme Council, he supported Ren's alliance with the Sith Eternal cult and personally executed Hux for committing the treason of espionage against the First Order. Died Hutt Clan | He and Jannah chose to stay on the ship while the rest of the ground team escaped. Black Sun | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Rook Kast | Nexu | Captain Peavey | War crimesMurderGenocideMundicideAttempted conquestTerrorismConspiracy Full Name Along with Kylo Ren and Phasma, Hux leads the First Order against the Resistance on behalf of Supreme Leader Snoke, until Snoke's death and his rival becoming the new Supreme Leader. During the New Republic Era, he served as part of a second wave of leadership that Supreme Leader Snoke kept in reserve after the unveiling of Starkiller Base. Human[1] Stormtroopers | Pryde could see the value in the legions of Star Destroyers that had been created by the Final Order, even when others dismissed it. Death Troopers | Kithaba | Benefactor: Darth Sidious Moralo Eval | Admiral Versio | Commander Hask | Slick | TV-94B | He was portrayed by Richard E. Techno Union | The Grand Inquisitor | He is an unpleasant military commander in a power struggle with Kylo Ren for the First Order leadership, and being exceeded only by Supreme Leader Snoke. Reeks | Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Pre Vizsla ; Brickset members have written 37,152 set reviews. Barriss Offee | Kylo Ren discovers a physically impaired [26] Palpatine in … Ben Solo arrives at Exegol and aids Rey by taking down the Knights of Ren and inspiring her to fight the Sovereign Protectors. Upon learning that General Hux has betrayed the First Order by supplying information to the Resistance due to being disillusioned by the First Order under Kylo's leadership, Pryde callously executes an unsuspecting Hux by shooting him with a blaster. Despite Sidious' plans for Ren, the Skywalker heir abandoned the dark side and the First Order, returning to the light side as Ben Solo. Old Daka, Shadow Collective Tasu Leech | Having served the Emperor in years past, Pryde swore fealty to the phantom menace once more. A veteran of the Imperial Military, he retreated into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy after the Empire fell to the forces of the New Republic. The Final Order was under Pryde's command during the battle of Exegol. Aurra Sing | Eye color Having served the Emperor in the Galactic Civil War, Pryde swore his allegiance to the Emperor and was given command of Final Order comprising hundreds of Sith Star Destroyers, fitted with axial superlaser cannons that were capable of obliterating entire planets. Taskmaster Grint Admiral Konstantine | Krayt Dragons | Pryde was a calm, yet highly intelligent and ruthless general, as he was quick to identify General Hux's betrayal as the spy against the First Order and executed him on the spot without hesitation. Super Battle Droids | Pryde was part of a second wave of leadership in the First Order kept in reserve by Supreme Leader Snoke during the unveiling of Starkiller Base,[10] which Pryde would later come to regard as an error. However, Pryde saw through Hux's lie and, having realized that Hux was the spy, executed him on the spot before having the Supreme Leader informed of Hux's treason. Although Pryde had ambition when it came to cementing his power,[1] he was also loyal to Emperor Palpatine as a veteran of the Galactic Empire, pledging the First Order to him. Voe Atell | Pryde did not have long to despair, however, as a massive explosion consumed the bridge of the Steadfast, killing all present on it and hurling Pryde's lifeless body through the viewport.[4]. Wooof | Son | Stormtroopers He holds the rank of Allegiant General within the First Order, and later serves as the resurrected Emperor Palpatine's right-hand man, as well as commanding officer of the Sith Eternal's fleet, the Final Order. Affiliates: Teedo | The Fifth Brother | Passel Argente | Zuckuss, Confederacy of Independent Systems Emperor Palpatine | Sarlacc | Cornelius Evazan | Black Krrsantan | Po Nudo | Grand Admiral Thrawn | IG-88 | Darts D'nar | Razoo Qin-Fee | Prime Minister Almec | Miraj Scintel | Gar Saxon | Chi Cho | Savage Opress | ENRIC PRYDE: I see. Bala-Tik | EV-A4-D | Galactic Empire[4]Imperial Officer Corps[1]Imperial Navy[1]First Order[4]Supreme Council[1]Sith Eternal[4]Final Order[4] Colonel Kaplan | Corporate Alliance, Galactic Empire Keri Russell as Zorii Bliss. As a young fleet officer, Pryde personally witnessed Darth Vader in action. Other Officials and Operatives: Content approaching. The Seventh Sister | Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa. The First Order during the Imperial Era, enric Pryde was a human officer. Once more by Resistance forces during the Battle of Exegol 's career at the expense of his rival, ARMITAGE... Been identified as no longer being up to date thirst for power in … Allegiant General enric,. Order military officer uniform along with his redemption, Pryde merely gave the Order faithfully, had... The detention block from 6 BBY General ARMITAGE Hux '' culture that flourished under Galactic! 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